Social Media Connections in Member Profile
Allow members to include social media channels in their Member Profile: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Add LinkedIn Profile link to Member Profile page. Currently, it only has Facebook and Twitter links. Add LinkedIn to that. Also, label should not appear on the Member profile page if the member did not specify their link to that social media profile. If the person doesn't have a Facebook profile, the word "Facebook" should not appear on their Wild Apricot member profile page.
Anthony Callinan commented
We are a professional association so member LinkedIn profiles are important for member-member communications. Most of our members have a social media presence and want to connect.
Judy Rickatson commented
Now that we have the Membership app, can this be revisited? Networking is a key reason members join our organization. Being able to find a member and then visit their social media profiles on mobile (ie using the social media app, not a browser) would be really make the app worthwhile.
Lisa Gibson commented
please automatically add to contact details from social media log in!
Gail Victoor commented
We work with many Wild Apricot customers that would greatly benefit from this feature. Currently to add social links, you need to add the full URL, which is not ideal. Having a social gadget that you can use within a member's profile and share in the member directory would be a real asset.
chryssa commented
I tend to agree. the point of these sights is to allow our members to network better -- and making easy connections off social media platforms seems key
From Valerie: "Not having social media as part of the membership form. It is 2016 and not to include the Chamber Members social media’s URL is … well… backwards."