Full refunds for fully settled transactions
Please improve the refund process.
We take credit cards for attending our events. If a person later cancels and a refund is approved, it becomes quite confusing to record the transaction correctly. First, I find the item. Then I go to the 3rd party processor (not PayPal) and set up the refund to the credit card. Then I return to WA. I can locate the paid invoice, cancel settlement and refund the total amount. I do not see a button labeled Refund as described in the Help text, so I Save instead. Under Payments & Invoices, the original transaction shows a balance due. On the Invoices screen I see a Refund Settled transaction and no balance due on the date of the original invoice.
How about a simple 'cancel transaction and issue a full refund' process?
Thank you.
Roger Brooks commented
Since WA can receive payments through PayPal, why can't it also manage refunding through PayPal (or any other payment service Wild Apricot supports)? Even without actually refunding anything (https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/85-refunds explicitly excludes this possibility), it would be nice to have the single "Cancel & Refund" button requested. As it is, I still have to void the invoice, then find the open balance and then refund it to settle everything within WA's accounting.