finance reports need a detail field
So I sell a membership and that person also bought a map and made a donation. When I create the invoice, the membership automatically shows up. I can add a line for the map. If I add it first in the donations tab before creating the invoice, the donation will also automatically be added to the report.
BUT when I download a list of the payments for that day, I get one entry for that person (the membership) with the total amount paid. I need the membership to show on the report separate from map.
The lack of Detail for the payment is giving us trouble on the reporting end, especially when we are trying to figure out our Paypal report. When I select the information for a download, I can at least see who is paying for members vs. an event registration, but even that information is absent in the download.
Thanks for asking.
We have updated contents of financial exports in 5.12. release (
– Added more contact details
– Invoice origin details, e.g. Event name & Registration type for events and Level name for membership invoices
– Payment date to invoices
Some other minor changes.