Team Payments
My feedback
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7 votes
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11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Hi, Jessica!
I think your request is more inline with this idea: However, there's no progress here yet.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
You've described an interesting usecase, that we don't support at the moment.
Here are two sides of the problem1) From financial standpoint you shouldn't ever modify PAID invoice - that's not good for accounting. You can issue a manual invoice (Use Finances -> Invoices -> Add invoice button) and your member will be able to pay it online, just as he does donation.
2) There is still a problem with adding a guest registration later - and for now there is no direct workflow for this. Is it the only problem why do you want payments module? Or are there any other scenarios?
Thanks for your post
Oleg aka ONe Apricot
Payments team @ Wild Apricot -
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for comments, looks reasonable.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Hi, Trish
We have no plans for purchase order numbers in the nearest future. Let's see what others say about this suggestion.
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
New suggestion based on comment here:
Original comment:
My comments are related to improving the process of event registration exports. My request is mostly centered on building a specific export template for non-supper users to use rather than build their own export grouping each time. We have 3 specific spreadsheets that we export event data by participant;
1. Required airline passenger ticketing information. Format is set by the airline, but most are the same and we capture all the required information.
2. Financial Income transmittal’s, by participants to send by spreadsheet to the Treasurer for recording. Very simple: name, amount & item description.
3. Roommate and condo lists, plus descriptions of none standard items purchased.All of this information can currently be created into a spreadsheet through the export system but it requires a bit of work by me to choose fields to export and then to format the spreadsheet. After creating the process, need the ability to copy this template for later use by less experienced user. So in nutshell, want the ability to create custom exports and name these like you do with custom searches.
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for sharing, Peggy
There's no workaround for this, except that if you don't need donation receipt letter separately, you can copy/paste contents of confirmation email there. This way you will get all the macros as in confirmation email.
By the way, we are thinking of removing one of the emails, since they look pretty much the same. What do you think about it? Do you need them separately or single confirmation email will be enough?
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team -
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Hi, Alex
There is no way to import historical transactions yet, but in upcoming 5.9. release there are significant improvements in API, related to managing finances. So, according to our API developers team, you will be able to create invoices, payments and donations via API.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Does Account statement work for you? (
Oleg, Payments Team
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Take a look at Featured members gadget ( - it was created specially for situations like yours.
You can either show members of certain level or create a fine-tuned saved search to select members to show. See help or consult our Support team for more detailsOleg, Product designer @ Payments team
55 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for such a detailed comment, it makes perfect sense. If having different levels for members of single organization is not critical for you, I think even our current realization of bundle will help:
- to get single renewal invoice based on number of bundle members just add calculated extra cost field to membership with price for each extra member. So you will get single renewal invoice for bundle admin for all members.
More in this help topic:
One point here: you will have to verify that extra cost field is filled with correct number of bundle members manually.
- except having single membership level, bundle members are fully independent from each other: they all have different profiles, can register for events individually, participate in forum/blog discussions, etc.To have a single invoice for event registration you will need to register all "extra" registrants as guests. In this case you will get a single event registration invoice.
More in this help topic:
Here you will need to add all guests at once. If someone changes his mind, or you need to add another member - only administrator can help here.As for others, requesting this feature - let's see if someone supports this. The idea is public :) I personally feel that it's pretty special case, though very similar to number of other requests we already have.
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for elaborate comment.
Did I get you right that you want to bill organization members belong to instead of members themselves?
Will bundles work here if we allow having different levels for each bundle member, but all fees will be still paid by bundle admin? Or do you want to select members' invoices each time individually?Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Good point, thanks for pointing this problem for us. Let's see what others say about this
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Hi, Shannon!
Could you please elaborate what you mean here? Your idea is too vague at the moment
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Hi, Lynne!
Could you elaborate the whole scenario please? E.g. do you renew members or process event cheques?
Do you have to issue an invoice before adding a payment?
Any additional information would be helpfulOleg, Product designer @ Payments team
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for comments, Liz, we really appreciate this.
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments team
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Just to be sure, that during this bulk payment you want to automatically generate payments for each contact equal to their outstanding balance and then settle these payments at once, so that balance for each contact will be zero?Do you want this on contact or on invoice level (e.g. select all unsettled invoices vs selecting all contacts with outstanding balance)?
Thanks for sharing
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments teamAn error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for comments, Liz.
I think something like Evgeny has suggested initially would work for you - I mean creating payment and settling it with open invoices. It's not intended for working with multiple contacts, though.
This is the only way to make accounting in WA really accurate, though it's not very convenient.Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Could you also elaborate the whole workflow, please?
E.g. do you want to mark invoices paid just from one person or is it multiple persons' invoices?
How do you receive payments for these invoices?
Is it some special type invoices (e.g. event registration) or is it a mix of different invoices?Thanks in advance,
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Crew -
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
You are right, currently we lack this kind of reporting, as well as correct support of donations during membership applications/renewal. This is discussed in separate thread: a workaround, I'd suggest advanced search for members with not empty donation extra cost field - at least you will be able to identify such members quickly.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for an idea, John - this seems reasonable. Let's see what others would say about it.
For now, you can do this as a workaround:
1. export Invoices, Contacts and Registration data in Excel/CSV,
2. import these tables into access
3. join all tables on Contact ID/UserID field and Registration/Invoice data - using Invoice# fieldHope this helps.
129 votes
Many thanks for your comments and feedback in this thread - it was super helpful for us in analysis and design of the feature.
I'm happy to announce that we're working on adding donations to compensate payment processing fees. This feature will be released later this year.Some design decisions I wanted to speak out explicitly:
1. We decided to proceed with optional donations to compensate credit card processing fees as opposed to surcharges/convenience fee.
Main reasons for this is that there are too many regulations around mandatory charges to compensate fees: it's illegal in some countries/states, there are caps on how much you could charge, etc. To avoid all of this legal complications we decided to suggest members to opt-in to compensate processing fees, as opposed to make them obligatory.
All these transactions will be recorded as donations in WA and can be later used for tax deduction.2. You…
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Thanks for a comment, Jennifer.
Convenience fee might be a solution here, but this needs deeper investigation. I'll come back as soon as I have any news.Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Could you elaborate please, do you use it for refunds only, or as a financial statement of contact at the moment?
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
Do you want this for selecting funds only, or do you plan to use it for other fields as well?
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Payments commented
I've got the idea, however it's unclear how do you plan to use this information later?
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments team
This is a known problem and there're no workarounds at the moment.
However, we are working on improving financial exports to include individual taxes amount (as well as bunch of other fixes) — this is something in development already. It wan't solve your problem completely, but I hope it will be helpful.
Please follow this thread for Financial exports updates:
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team