Donor Gadget
I would like a gadget that displays names of donors by donation level for a particular year or campaign, with the ability of the donor to opt out of being included in this display at the time they make the donation.

Gail Walker commented
I am not able to create what I had in mind with the Featured Members gadget. Maybe I am missing something - or maybe I didn't explain well enough so let me clarify.
I would like to be able to display donors in groups, based on a $ range of the donation - for example, $100 to $500, $500 to $1000, and over $1000.
There is a way to search CONTACTS for these ranges (using three separate searches) but, as far as I can tell, you can't search just MEMBERS for them and the Saved Searches for CONTACTS doesn't carry over to Saved Searches for Members. Thus, the only way I could use the Featured Member gadget for this would be to manually update the members to be featured every time a donation is made. What I had in mind was a gadget that would automatically update.
Three other problems:
You would have to use a separate Featured Member gadget for every $ range you wanted, which from a design point of view, is not ideal.
Currently, there is no way for a donor to indicate that he/she doesn't want to be included in the "featured donors" list.
Finally, some donors may not be members and the Featured Member gadget would only apply to donors who are members.
Take a look at Featured members gadget ( - it was created specially for situations like yours.
You can either show members of certain level or create a fine-tuned saved search to select members to show. See help or consult our Support team for more detailsOleg, Product designer @ Payments team