Allow pre-select of donation form fields via query parameters
I want to add QR codes with a donation form URL to our facility, so members can contribute to various areas/funds in WA by scanning the code, logging in and donating.
I'd like to pre-select a "fund" drop-down and ideally an amount, based on passing them in to WA in the URL query string, such as:'ice cream stand'&amount=10
Is there a way to easily do this?
Jennifer N. Brown commented
Yes I would like to either hide donation fields or pre-populate items for specific funds/campaigns. I don't want donors to see all of my backend fields and to get confused. I want them to see a simple form that I have made specific (or can fill in specifics later on back end).
Do you want this for selecting funds only, or do you plan to use it for other fields as well?
Nicasio Design - Felix Figuereo commented
There may be a way to allow for the donation form to default to or load with a set donation amount, however the call from a QR code is something that would required some testing.
Please let us know if you would like to discuss further.