Tracking donations with other member activity
Hi- as far as I can tell we are not able to pull into one document (other than a statement) all of a member's activity such as their donations, events and membership. Each silo has that information, but it isn't aggregated into one document we can use for fundraising purposes. Nor it is seemingly possible to combine that information from all members.
Donations reports only give sums, and isn't a detail list.
We are both a member organization as well as dependent on fundraising-and I am not sure that I can gather into one place the fundraising info I need. Any suggestions?

Shaw Bears Booster Club commented
We should have the ability to track and list seaprately the following categories of payments on the members indivual page as well as a Master Aggregation Page:
1. Membership Invoices and Payments
2. Donations by Campaigns
3. Merchandise Order Payments -
HLAADV commented
I would like something similar. Many times when a person renews their membership fee they also include a donation. I would like to be able to record both the membership renewal + additional donation form one window. Currently I record the membership renewal from membership and then I have to record the donation in donations.
You are right, currently we lack this kind of reporting, as well as correct support of donations during membership applications/renewal. This is discussed in separate thread: a workaround, I'd suggest advanced search for members with not empty donation extra cost field - at least you will be able to identify such members quickly.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
Amy Jennings commented
We have been in a donation campaign for the last month. Several members noted that they gave when they paid their membership (via the donation field we include). It doesn't appear that WA has a way for me to see what was a membership fee and what was a donation in this circumstance. I just spent 90 minutes going through individual records trying to determine who had given when they paid their dues. This is cumbersome for tracking, but also does not allow us to easily identify who should receive donation acknowledgment tax letters.
I would also like the ability to see more detail when I download the payment report. I don't see where it lists events or membership type, which is very much needed for the reports my board requests.
Thank you for addressing these needs.
Oliver Lane commented
Hi, I think this would be very useful/necessary.
I would like to be able to export my full contact list that includes individual donations made (dates and amounts), totals, memberships paid, events paid, etc.
Thank you
Dmitry Buterin commented
Edie - thanks for the details!
I would love to hear comments from other users who could use something like that.
Edie Patterson commented
Hi-and sorry for the lag in responding.
Our ideal scenario is that we could run a report showing the names of our members, their donations (summed) to date, member activity (renewal) separately, and the events attended. We could choose the date frame for the query-so showing year to date, or plug in our FY date. It would look like
Name, Mber#, Member level, total donations (in time frame set), events attended.
The point is that as we go into fundraising we should be able to see in a spreadsheet the aggregate activity for members. Currently we can do the aggregate donations, the list of donations in chronological order by name. The issue with that is a person may give 3 times over the year-each entry is listed at the time they gave, rather then within their name listing. The same issue with events.
Does that help? Thanks.
DHNAA commented
I agree fully with your report findings and I have reported the exact same concern to Wild Apricot via an on-line ticket. They responded by recommending that I add my comment to this conversation.
Our findings:
"As we come to the end of the year, one of the difficulties we are running into is properly identifying total donations per person. I see that we can run a report in invoices which gives us the membership transactions. Then, we can look under donations for seperate individual donations. Is there a way to run a report showing all income received from both membership and donations which includes the donor information?"
Last Discussion:
"I understand how to make these two seperate reports, but they are not useful in that manner for our needs. What we would LIKE to see is a report that incorporates ALL contacts to include the membership and additonal donations they individually made over a select period of time."
Desired product
Contact, Membership Level, Financial Transactions, Donations, Ability to generate report baed upon date range.Final product should list every contact in our database with thier current membership level, financial transactions for memberships and events PLUS all donations received between the selected data range.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Edie - could you elaborate on the ideal scenario you envision for this? What kind of report would you need, how exactly you would use it etc? (This can help us analyze and design future enhancements and/or come up with any workarounds to suggest for now)