Track donations of goods by donors
We'd like to be able to manually enter donations of goods by donors, with the ability to have multiple donation records for each donor. In this way we could keep track of donors who give items for our yearly auctions, and keep track of what they donate each year. It would be an 'item' record that is manually entered by admin, just like the monetary donation record that is automatically entered when someone donates online, and would be "owned" by the donor record.

Cam commented
I would like to be able to keep track of donations of goods or services and email out receipts for them from the system. This could be done by just picking a TENDER that would be an "ITEM" and would not require a dollar value. We could then keep track of them, and issue donation receipts, as per the IRS. right now, I can set up a Tender that is "ITEM" but I have to give it a dollar value, and there is only 1 donation letter template.
I've got the idea, however it's unclear how do you plan to use this information later?
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments team