Members, Summary - reporting on bundles
Almost all of our member levels are bundles, so having the bundle numbers in brackets for the Total column is good, but it would be really useful on the other columns as well. The dashboard would then be a great quick report for associations like ours.

Mike T commented
It’s a simple and important addition
Fairbanks Cycle Club Admin Account commented
This would be helpful.
Mark Quandahl commented
On the Members summary page, It would be great if you could add the number of bundles in parenthesis in all columns not just the total column. Also the number of members added to to an existing bundle is useless information. Please do not add parentheses with the number of new members added to old bundles in the 7 day or 30 day coulumes.
Becky Parsons commented
Please make revisions to the Member Summary Chart to correct the misleading layout. There is a difference between “Members” and “Memberships”. The Summary Chart confuses the two. The Summary Chart should provide an accurate count of “Memberships”.
I’ve attached an example to illustrate, along with a recommendation for an improved and accurate layout.
Mike T commented
This could be a quick "fix". Could you add the bundle count to each column of the member summary page as you already have in the first column. Telling me how many people attached to companies that have not renewed is not useful. Prefer the number of companies who have or have not renewed. Thanks !
Jean Howell commented
For IACAC, the bundle represents one member institution. Because they pay according to the size of their staff (bundle), I want to be able to make sure they're paying the correct amount. I would like to see a flag of some sort when their staff list exceeds their limit.
Becky Parsons commented
When our board asks "How many memberships do we have?" the Membership Dashboard should provide an accurate total. Now I have to do a math calculation to find out. Bundled memberships should count as 1 membership, because it is one payment. The Member List Summary is very confusing - the numbers in the columns do not add up in an easy fashion. Much improvement is needed!
Theo commented
Hi this would be great for us to use your service. All of our member's are organisations and what we care about is how many of those 200 organisations actually interact with us rather than a specific individual.
It would be great to produce reports showing activity based upon bundle rather than individuals.
Gail Walker commented
On the Summary page for Members, I would like for ALL entries to reflect the number of bundles in parentheses. Currently, only the Total column shows the number of bundles. For our organization, it's the number of bundles that matters the most, not the total number of members, particularly when looking at Active memberships and Pending Renewals.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Yes. The current member summary is useless for us. A membership is either a single person or a couple, so the number of contacts pending renewal tells us nothing.
Eytan Behiri commented
Agreed. Using the bundle for family right now and need to find families that registered bundle admin but forgot to register their kids...
Terry Thomas commented
We are in total agreement with this request!! We would like to know the bundle counts for lapsed and inactive memberships as well. From a financial and income perspective, we are very interested in the dues being collected (or not) from memberships. If bundles counts were added to lapsed and inactive, it would give us a quick financial picture. Not only a member count picture. Members associated with a bundle do not provide revenue, the bundles do.
Nathan commented
At least for me, it would be helpful to have both the membership number and the bundle number in most if not all columns. So: 243 (52) instead of just 243.
The larger number, when it comes to bundled membership levels, doesn't really tell me much about how many have not renewed. The member number might be 200, but the actual number of bundles that have not renewed comprising that number might be only 10 with 20 members each.
Does that make any sense?
Our org website is
Frank commented
I think I understand the suggestion (see image below) and this is a relatively small change, but before we rush into adding something like this could you elaborate in more detail what an ideal bundle report might look like ?
Also in your response feel free to include the website address of your organization or send it to me directly (frank at wildapricot dot com) so I can take a look.
Catherine Lamontagne commented
We offer membership to organisations (bundle administrator members with multiple members)
To be usefull for us, the member summary should show data for bundle administrator only.
I propose to add a 'view selected' button to choose between bundle administrator OR bundle members statistics or to implement an other summary to show data separatly, but at the same time, one under the other.
Nathan commented
Hi guys,
When you go to the main member list overview page, it has (Bundles) after the total column, and each row under that will tell you have many bundle members you have.
Would it be possible to extend that functionality to more of the columns, especially to Active, Renewal Overdue, Lapsed, and Pending Renewal?
Since the bundle is our real membership number in financial terms, it is more helpful when considering finances to be able to quickly get that number than the number of member contacts under each bundle.