Make it easier for a new member to sign up as part of existing bundle / organization
A suggestion that I would like to make now is to make it easier for a new member to sign up and be part of an existing bundle. Here is my current workflow, and the problem.
My organization has individual members, and corporate memberships, which are bundles with 10 possible places, one being the admin.
As it stand now, when new member signs up, and chooses corporate membership, they are assigned as a new bundle administrator and asked to pay the full corporate membership fee. There is no mechanism to have them be assigned to an existing bundle when they fill out the new member form.
Another problem that I have with the bundle administration is changing someones bundle status. When a new member signs up, they are assigned to a new bundle as an administrator. In order to make them a part of an existing bundle, the process is extremely unclear. You actually have to change them from a corporate member, which is the bundle membership, to an individual member, and then choose to add them to a bundle. The only choices you are given there is a list of the bundle administrators, which doesn’t help you know which company they are a part of. This part really, really needs some help.

WBN Admin commented
Currently, company/organization bundles set up so one person can sign up from the company but anyone else has to be manually inputted. It would be beneficial for both the administration and the members if they can all register at the same time.
Martin Ronceray commented
I am looking for a way when a new person registers to identify from his/her email address the type of membership bundle he/she should join.
Currently only persons who have been preliminary added to a membership bundle are recognised for a specific membership.
Alternatively if this is too difficult to implement, it may be easier to include a customised New field for member registration form that allows PHP/JS code to run: from this I could get the input form the registrant and assess against the known list of bundles and suggest a bundle to join. -
Matthew Hartman commented
Many application require narrative answers that only the new member can answer, so having the bundle administrator do this for them is inadequate. This change would make a significant difference in the functionality of the program.
Pavel Scherbinsky commented
As an administer of the bundle, I would prefer to simply be able to send an invitation to a specific email, that would allow that person to fill out an application and therefore be successfully added to the bundle.