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70 results found
Additional Events Lists
Create two Event Lists for us as Gadgets - one that can be pulled into the Events page and one that can be pulled into the Volunteer Opportunities page. They have different content and require two separate Event Gadgets
1 voteIt is possible to display a different set of events in the gadget by using tags (see Filter events by tag on https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Upcoming%20events%20gadget#Upcomingeventsgadget-Upcomingeventsgadget )
Filter admin Event list
Current list of events shown for an administrator is very long. It's not a big problem for organization with a few events, but when there are 1000+ of them, it's hard to navigate and search for the one you need. We've received a number of complains about this and decided to create a wishlist suggestion on behalf of all these requests.
4 votesResolved in 5.8.3 – help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Update+5.8.3
Event invoice macro for event confirmation email
I wish we had a macro code for event invoice number that we can include in the event confirmation.
We want to make the event confirmation email an email ticket and all looks good except for having no ticket/invoice number.
We have a macro for the url of the invoice details so providing a macro for the invoice number is not a big ask. See screen shot attached:
3 votesThe Invoice URL macro already presented for all event email templates, including event confirmation email.
Waitlist collects full registration form data
Since waitlist registrants collect only name, when a spot opens up and they are manually registered, there is no simple way to have them fill out the form. Collecting full form data when signing up would solve this, and might have the effect of deterring those who are not really interested enough to attend.
1 voteSee comments
Add an API endpoint for creating new events programmatically
Please add a public REST API end point for creating events. This will allow customers to integrate their WildApricot calendars with the plethora of other calendars and scheduling systems that are used on a daily basis.
4 votesThis is possible with our existing API, please find details here https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/WildApricot/wild-apricot_public_api/2.1.0
Remove "Including guests" from the event registrant list
Remove the wording "Including guests" from the list when the member selects registrants for an event.
We do not allow guests and it is very confusing to our members!
7 votesFixed in 5.8 version – https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.8
Waiting List - Internal Notes
It would be helpful to be able to add notes to each waiting list person like we can on registrations. Also a filter option and check-in button would be nice.
1 voteReleased in version 5.17
https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.17 -
Waitlist Export Option
We need the ability to export our waiting list participants into an excel spreadsheet. Currently it only pulls the class registrants with no option to add or pull the waiting list.
30 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that now, in version 6.17, the Waitlist Export option is available for all our clients.Now you can include waitlisters in your regular export file along with other registrants.
Check our help page for more information about these changes and others, that we added in this release – https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1662
Add a preview button to the event emails
It would be helpful to have a "send & preview" button for the event emails just like you have it for all other emails. The only option currently is to send a test email, wait for it in the mailbox, review it in the email software. Why not simply have the "send & preview" button for these emails too?
8 votesThe preview mode for all system emails now displays actual data in place of macros.
Released in version 5.12: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.12
Automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation
(Capture from other feedback source) Waitlist feature only half helpful....needs further automation to automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation AND then automatically send out confirming email to the new person.
91 votesReleased in version 5.18.
You can now allow people on your event waitlists to be automatically registered when spaces become available.
More about 5.18 release: gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1566-ve..
Thanks for your votes and comments.
Katya, Events crew @ Wild Apricot -
Fix the Waitlist Function: The Waitlist does not allow for multiple email registration for same contact
Fix the Waitlist Function:
The Waitlist does not allow for same email registration for several registrants, EVEN if Multiple registrations are ENABLED for same contact.
This is not logical...If I allow multiple registrations per contact, it should allow multiple registrations per contact email on the waitlist too. Otherwise how can a contact save places for everyone they want to sign up for the event? For example when a parent needs to sign up 3 kids to an event...5 votesFixed in 5.17 release.
See the full update here: https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.17
Stop showing the UTC in the calendar
Can we stop UTC showing up in the calendar and emails?
It is confusing people who are trying to work out what the time function is on. I didn't know what UTC was, I had to look it up.10 votesFixed in 5.8.3 – http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Update+5.8.3
Enable admins to manually add members to waitlist
Enable administrators to manually add to the waitlist. Frequently, members who wish to enroll in an event call our office to get put on a waitlist. It would streamline our workflow process to have someone manually add to the list instead of referring someone to do it themselves on the website.
25 votesReleased in version 5.11: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.11
Reusable registration types
Event registration types could be saved and used over and over across events
45 votesIn version 6.4 we released the new function ‘Duplicate registration type’. We believe that together with copy event function this will help users to create registration type quickly and save their time.
See more about version 6.4 in our release notes –https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1619
Katya Tyukina, on behalf of Events crew
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot -
Simplify Setup of Non-Registration Events
Calendar Events
Can we please have a way to add items to the calendar view that ARE NOT a full event in the database? We have general board meetings and other gathers or other group meetings that we want to show on our calendar but don't want to have to set up a full registration event.
39 votesReleased in version 5.13: https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.13
If you are hosting a free event that requires only an RSVP from your registrants, you can set up a simple event that requires minimum setup, and provides for one-click registration by your registrants
Events team @ Wild Apricot
Reregister after cancellation
Participants who have previously registered for an event and have had the event cancelled cannot reregister for the same event. Please fix that function.
9 votesWe checked this and found out that it works properly.
If member has canceled registration, he can later register again for this event.Events crew
put a "Save" button on the page for writing and editing emails to contacts and members. "Save and Close" is there now.
Please fix this issue: Although there's a message that says that email drafts have been saved automatically, they are in fact not saved unless you have saved them manually first at least once. Please put a Save button on the page for writing new emails as you have on other web pages. "Save and Close," which is on the page now, is not the same thing.
6 votesEmail sending workflow was changed in release 5.8 – https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.8
Check in guest when main registrant fails to attend
When a member registers a guest for an event we are unable to check in the guest when the main registrant fails to attend.We would like to have the capability to check in the guest despite the main registrant not being present. The scenario is not uncommon. For example, it arises when a bundle administrator (often a firm owner) decides to send employees to an event (and typically wants to put all registrations fees on his credit card) but fails to attend personally because of a conflict on the day.
24 votesThis feature was added in 5.9 – https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.9
It will be available in the mobile app in 1.6 release. -
Show time of event registration
In lieu of waitlist, is it possible to get the timestamp for people who registered. Some of our events are for very limited spots and they are full in few minutes and we would like to get a timestamp for that registration. All I see in attendee list is HH:MM but in this case we would like to see timestamp in sec or milli secs.
8 votesWas done in version 5.18.
The registration list and details, as well as waitlisters list and details now have the information about the registration time.Katya Tyukina, behalf of Events team
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot -
Display event start time on calendar when in month view
It would be very helpful for us to be able to see the start time on events when you're viewing them on the calendar in month view. This seems to be a standard in calendar software that I have seen, including yahoo and google. Lots of our members will be immediately interested (or not) in an event simply because of the start time. Having to drill down to the event detail to see the time is a pain. Our work around is to put the start time at the beginning of the event title, but that is not an ideal…
7 votesReleased in version 5.11: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.11
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