Display event start time on calendar when in month view
It would be very helpful for us to be able to see the start time on events when you're viewing them on the calendar in month view. This seems to be a standard in calendar software that I have seen, including yahoo and google. Lots of our members will be immediately interested (or not) in an event simply because of the start time. Having to drill down to the event detail to see the time is a pain. Our work around is to put the start time at the beginning of the event title, but that is not an ideal solution because of how it makes the event appear in an event gadget, for example. Thanks!

Released in version 5.11: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.11
Malcolm de C commented
The mouse over currently shows the day of the week (helpful), the date (unnecessary because the calendar already shows it), start time (helpful), end time (superfluous in most cases) and the time zone (unnecessary for us but may be useful for others). The mouse over used to show location (which would be very helpful) but no longer does. Can this please be reinstated?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
How would you like to see it? In the end if event title? Or on mouse over the event, as a tooltip?
Keith Rice commented
Absolutely concur. Please consider
Jan Pini commented
Totally agree that this is needed!