event payment reminders
Have the ability for an Event Payment Reminder to only be sent to those with a balance due rather than all attendees.
rjcheramie commented
Too many members are no diligent in paying their invoices causing a problems in finalizing event payments.
rjcheramie commented
Members register for events online, but sometimes forget to pay their invoice. Being able to send an automatic reminder email would be helpful in getting these outstanding invoices paid on time.
Paul commented
Currently reminder emails go to any registrant if they have paid or not even when they haven't received a registration confirmation email. Can the event email reminder have functionality for a choose as to which registrants receive the event reminder email. E.g.: if someone hasn't paid they don't get a reminder of the event but a reminder to pay instead.
It seems counter productive that a registrant that hasn't received a registration confirmation email because they haven't completed their registration, automatically receives a scheduled event reminder email.
Anonymous commented
We use the reminder email to reshare our meeting Zoom link. Our members appreciate having the Zoom link when they most need it. We want to be able to exclude those registrants who have not completed payment for the event. Everyone who registers now receives the reminder and some who have not paid are taking advantage of this gap.
Dale Koetke commented
Please add this!
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Absolutely this is needed! Can't really call ourselves marketers without it.
I see WA has suggested that an Advanced Search can be used, but even allowing for the amount of time and coordination required (as opposed to an automatic email to unpaid registrants), it seems those instructions would send the email to ALL the event's registrants -- which totally misses the point of a targeted, persuasive plea.
Worse, first I wasted time before realizing that the auto emails to registrants can't be targeted, and then realized the "not yet confirmed" email can't be scheduled (it goes out right after registering). I resorted to sending a "manual" email, which gets complicated because there are no macros for inserting the Event Page description the way Auto Announcements do.
In case our message isn't clear, here's a template. It shouldn't take hours to send an email like this. It's Marketing 101.
Eventname Early Bird Deadline:
Minutes away!
Dear {Registration_First_Name},A friendly reminder that you're registered for the Eventname and the Early Bird price deadline is midnight tonight (Thurs April 5). If you haven't already snail-mailed your payment, please pay online now to save. (And to save us time in planning.)
We are looking forward to seeing you!
To complete the registration, login at {Organization_URL} with your email ({Contact_Email}) and password and follow instructions on your profile.
Don't know your password? Reset it here {Contact_Password_Reset_URL}
Be Seeing You,
OrganizationName[MEMO to WA: If they didn't use their regular email the login might be wrong, because it's not tied to the reservation. In order to select recipients, the only solution I see is to note them in the Event Registrants list and select each individually from our Contacts. For some events this itself would be a chore, and unless carefully planned might need working in two different browsers. The WA system sometimes gets confused if I work in two different Admin pages in one browser. This really needs to be in the Event auto-emails section instead.]
To insert the event description copy/paste from the live website, not admin view, not from an email. TIP: This is another example of why we could use Event macros in manual emails, too.
PS: While I understand the usual desirability of omitting registrants from Automatic Event Announcements, there are times it would be good to include them. For example, if the date or time or other details of the event change. We shouldn't have to set up yet another mailing to registrants only, and (worse) it's possible some of our inexperienced volunteer admins won't even realize the need for that.
Ed Wayt commented
This solution does not seem to allow me to include event-specific information in the email sent (i.e., I can't refer to the event for which registration is pending), which is necessary for us in some important circumstances.
Scott Overpeck commented
This would save me quite a bit of work!
Thank you for feedback, it's a good idea and we'll collect comments from other users.
margaret commented
Can we have an event setting that triggers emails to automatically send to people that haven't paid prior to the event? If we can configure it based on days?
Actually there is a way to do it using advanced search. Could you please have a look at "Searching within specific events" (see https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Searching+for+contacts+with+event+registrations#Searchingforcontactswitheventregistrations-Searchingwithinspecificevents )
You can use specially criterias 'At least one event registration status' and 'Registered for specific event(s)' to build required listThen you can use "Email Contacts" button to send it email right now or schedlue it by using For sending it email by schedule you can use option 'Schedule for later'
(see https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Scheduling+email+blasts#Schedulingemailblasts-Schedulinganemail ) on last step of wizard 'Email compose'.It doesn't looks like "easy way" so we keep your idea for awail in case of more supporters.
Chris Cavanaugh commented
I need an easy way, preferably from the Event page, to resend the emails to Pending registrations, to remind those that are pending that there is still a payment (or other requirement) still due and they are not registered as yet. I would like to schedule automatically and have a "send now" button like the announcements.
Ed Wayt commented
We would like the ability to send a scheduled Event Payment Reminder to those with balance due and normal Reminders to everybody.
Angela Parrish commented
This would be very helpful for our organization. It would save us several steps in having to remember to follow up with those who haven't paid by a certain date.
Carrie Hafele commented
I need to email event attendees that still have not paid (but across 30 events, so the current feature isn't helpful). I think there should be an option for the pending email to be sent out again based on open invoices.
Walt Bilofsky commented
In the default Events email page, it would be nice to have the checkboxes from the individual Events email settings, to set defaults for new events. Now, if I understand correctly, if we don't go into the event email and uncheck something, the organizer always gets a confirmation email, which we don't want.