Force to log in during event registration when a member email is used
Members can register for member-only events without logging in just by entering their email address. Likewise, non-members can register for member-only events by using the email address of any member.
There should be a way to force a login before registration or demand a password during registration.
I realize that I could create a second calendaring and event system that lives in a members only area but that is just too cumbersome.

Tom De commented
The feature allowing a member to click on the Register button in an email invite and register without logging in is pure genius. More than half our members are using that and have never logged in, never even obtained a password. This is the main reason we opted for Wildapricot.
Sara, thanks for sharing this.
There is another part of our clients who have the opposite opinion. They don't want to force their members to login to register.
Both positions have the right to be.I can suggest you the following option. To hide the registration option for those to whom it is not available ('If unavailable = Hide' in the registration type settings)? Then it will be shown and therefore only available to those who logged in, your members.
Does it work for you? -
Sara Nash commented
Please require that anyone wanting to register for an event must enter a username and password. Members receive a reduced rate and we have had a nonmember use a members email address so they can get the member rate. Making them use a password would hopefully prevent this. Other systems similar to WildApricot do require a username and password so it seems odd that you don't have this same feature.
corey D commented
We are working to push student registrations/membership for our groups. However, we know that people will try to register for a reduced student membership if the system allows.
We would like the option to restrict who can register for which membership option based upon their email. Ideally, restricting it to emails ending in .. ".edu"
Jessica - a new contact for the same email won't be created.
Jessica D. Jester Saucedo commented
I think this is a great idea. Sometimes, our members are actually starting a whole new "contact" in our database because they register for an event without signing in. I've recently deleted a number of duplicate contacts in our database that were just from these types of registrations. I think some of this has been fixed, because I do get a notification when I try to register one of my employees under my email address... but if I weren't logged in, it would start a new contact to register me as a non-member.
Rebecca Hughes commented
You could create a registration code that is only shared with members so non-members are unable to register even if they know their email address. We have used this method on several events.
I changed the title of the idea to better reflect the problem.