continue generating new invoices even if member has not paid previous invoice
Presently we have WA setup to generate invoices on a quarterly basis. However, if a member is overdue in paying their invoice then their status changes, they are no longer considered active, and they no longer get invoiced at the next due date. In our business model we choose to continue to offer them services as we know they eventually will pay. When they then eventually pay the overdue invoice we presently need to manually generate invoices for billing periods that the system did not create invoices for. This can be a big headache. The solution would be an option to allow invoicing to continue even if they have missed payments.

Thanks for sharing, we’ll be collecting comments from others on this for now
- commented
Wild Apricot has transformed our HOA, but the requirement to manually renew lapsed members in order to generate a new invoice creates a great deal of work for our volunteers. Our proprietary members are legally obligated to pay dues each quarter (renew) and therefore need an invoice whether they have paid or not. I manage another type of club on WA that does not function this way, so the feature should be an option on the membership level renewal tab.
Scott Dickie commented
I would like an option to have memberships automatically renew, generating an invoice, even if they are behind on their payments.