Prorating membership levels with recurring payments
I know that this feature is not available, but I am wondering if there is a workaround or another solution to address prorating membership levels with recurring payments. My client's problem is that if a member signs up before the renewal date of July or January 15 they are charged $100 when they join and then another $100 on July or January 15th. For example we had 23 members sign up in June and pay $100. They were charged $100 again on July 15th. Do you have any recommendations for handling this situation?

Done for Authorize.Net, Stripe and Moneris in version 5.7.
Thomas Cox commented
My issue is different - I need to pro-rate UPGRADES, regardless of recurring payments.
Shelbi, thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately, there is no workaround now. But technically, this feature could be possible for some payment systems.We would appreciate more comments from everyone on this feature.
Shelbi Hoffman commented
I also have a client that would like to use prorating and recurring payments at the same time.
Shelbi Hoffman
Grow Your Group
WA Partner -
epgremill3 commented
I know this is mentioned in the help as not possible right now - don't know if it's on a feature list or not but we'd definitely like to have it. We'd like the ability to prorate membership charges when automatic renewal is on.
Currently we use 1/1 as the renewal date and use the "Charge full regular fee AND extend renewal by one additional period" option. We'd love to be able to continue to use that with automatic renewals/recurring payments. This would apply to the first payment only, of course, and the second and subsequent payments would be the normal period...
Let me know if you need more info. Thanks!