Ability to exclude some common fields from a particular event form [10210]
Not sure this is the right place; please forgive me if not.
I don't want all the common contact fields on my reg form, but I can't figure out how to not have them. Do I need to make the unwanted fields "uncommon" in some way?

Released in 5.0
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Part of version 5 now, release on April 19th, 2014 - see http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Customize+event+registration+form
Please note that for existing clients upgrade to version 5 is gradual - see http://www.wildapricot.com/blogs/newsblog/2014/03/26/wild-apricot-software-news-march-2014-version-5
sean commented
I'm wondering why your help page: http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Self-service+online+event+registration+process under step #3, shows only some basic fields for the registration form. This would be ideal.
Looking forward for v5.0
sean commented
That's good to know. Especially with a "Guest" registration, I don't want the member to think they have to fill in the whole form, when all I need is the first and last name(s) of the guests.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This is to be fixed with 5.0 release (next year)
sean commented
[quote user="Briony"]Reading this thread if votes still count I vote for the suggestion of the 'simple change' to choose which 'common fields' appear in the event registration form. Flexibility is key. Thanks. [/quote]
I would like to add my vote to this feature too!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks. This is in the works and we expect it to be released in version 5.0 in the fall.
Briony commented
Reading this thread if votes still count I vote for the suggestion of the 'simple change' to choose which 'common fields' appear in the event registration form. Flexibility is key. Thanks.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for comments, we are looking now for the best solution to resolve this, though it's something we are not going to change soon, sorry. We want actually to review and redesign the approach we use with common fields and all other forms, to simplify it and make it more usable and easy to manage.
epgremill3 commented
We would also really like this functionality. For us, we want to have contact preferences (e.g. "I prefer you call my cell phone in the afternoons") for all contacts, but we wouldn't want those things to show up on the event registration forms.
This is the same for the donation form - I added a post to a separate thread for that. Thanks!
VCOMA commented
Thank you - I was just finding myself annoyed by this for the hundredth time the other day. Agree!
The same is true when your adding someone to your bundle. Why doesn't all the company location and contact information just fill in and they add their name, email, etc. only?
Tony Rinkenberger commented
Add the fields you want to fill from the profile to your common fields list.
all settings/common fields
fwguidi commented
When members register for an event, then should not need to enter their demographic information to the form. This should either be a configurable parameter on the event registration form or a check box where the registrant can indicate the information is the same as their member profile much like on does with a "same as" shipping and billing address form.
garylroth commented
We offer 4 newsletters. We moved 900 people from Constant Contact about 6 weeks ago. 400 are members and 500 are non-member contacts. Since I could not import subscriptions, I set up a common field with check boxes for the newsletters. Now I find that the email information is on the events form. The option to not display the email selections on the events form will make it less confusing.
I vote for this option.
Nancy Scanlan commented
Here's another scenario: we have contact information for members and for people who registered last year. Would be nice to just require emails for them, and all contact info for others. As others have said, some of this is service: we should make it easy and non-irritating for people who have supported us in the past.
Nancy Scanlan commented
We want to use online registration only for people who pay online (but that is a separate problem). Our contact fields have address and phone included, so people must fill them in to register. When they click on the button to pay for the event, it requests name and address, again, because of the way we have authorize.net set up. The name is carried over from the previous page but the address and phone are not, so they have to enter it again. This is irritating to people who want to pay online. Would be better if they only have to enter it once.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Jennn, these examples are very helpful, thank you.
Dmitry Buterin commented
We would appreciate more examples of situations where our current setup can not be used (some specific fields which have to be on common fields but not on the event registration form etc.)
Michael Humphreys commented
The ability to tailor forms for members, contacts, event registration, etc is FUNDAMENTAL to managing a membership driven organization and I ask that WA push this matter up the list to high priority.
Tom Gibson commented
This is EXACTLY what we need. Yes do the "quite small change". The sooner the better.
Nancy Scanlan commented
I would also like this (choosing contact fields to include) for both event registration and donation forms.