Make it easier to find events when creating a new copy [12527]
When adding events its pretty brutal to add a past event, i have to search the website and click a couple times to find the box, and past events show up as well.
show Past/Current (checkbox)

Released in 5.3
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Ability to quickly duplicate an event is added in Version 5.3 on April 8, 2015 - see more details in 5.3 release notes .
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, you're not missing anything, this is an old usability bug :( This is in our analysis and design queue, but actual is going to take some time, sorry (no timeline).
David Snow commented
When adding a future event on the calendar, I go to "add event", then the choice is either "create" or "copy." When checking "copy," the window opens to every event already posted. Unless I am missing another way to copy an event, I have to scroll through every event to find one I want to "copy," and change the information for it. I recommend that when the "copy" option is chosen, a drop-down would open with a letter-by-letter search for an event that is already listed (much like the member name search). Please let me know if I am missing a shorter way of adding upcoming events by using past events.
Paul at PEN commented
That sounds like a good solution too.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
What if we add "Duplicate" button into event details? So you can use existing event list search, get into details and click "Duplicate" from there?
Paul at PEN commented
Could you add a search bar to the 'Copy existing event' pop-up so we don't have to scroll through them all looking for the one we want to copy?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Got it, thanks for posting, makes sense.
MitchB commented
Sorry i meant copy a past event.
When I go and add an event i can copy a past event, however i have to manually search through the events or use my firefox search feature to find it.
If there was a way to have events by catagory (fundraiser, harescramble, trials, ice racing, school) etc it would be much easier to copy said event
Dmitry Buterin commented
Mitch, sorry I am not getting your point, can you elaborate? Re ' its pretty brutal to add a past event'