variable costs for events and membership as a price multiplied by a number [2942]
The ability to charge dynamic membership dues. Currently you can do this by creating extra cost fields and assign different costs to different choices, but some organizations might have very complex formulas. For example:
An organization might charge their corporate members per employer per year x $16.50 per head. However, they may have a minimum annual dues of 40 employees x 16.50, and a maximum annual dues of 400 x 16.50. There also may be an annual facility fee for each corporate member $100 per facility with a minimum of one facility and a maximum of five.
This may seem like an elaborate formula, but it is based on one from one of our clients.
We'd like to get some feedback on this from you. Is the ability to create a dynamic membership fee based on a number of different factors something that your organization needs or requires?
UPDATE: Released in v5.3

Released in 5.3
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Variable cost fields functionality is published in Version 5.3 on April 8, 2015 - see more details in 5.3 release notes .
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Joining to existing thread. As far as I understand, this is about the same
Alec Ko commented
Number field and currency data types are very important to non-profit and small associations.
For example, in our sailing club we charge a standard annual fees based on membership level. You product has that. We also record the length and width (square footage) occupied by the member and charge an mooring amount. (Length x width x $).
Secondly, we have a set number of volunteer hours per year per member. If they don't complete the set hours, we charge a certain amount based on uncompleted hours x $.
These are quite common among non-profit sailing organizations like ours. We tried to export the raw length and width data to Excel and let downstream account system to do the calculation. But the Export only treat the field as text and need additional steps to perform calculation. The text field does not prevent anyone from entering wrong data either. Actually this is the strongest opposition to fully implement the MMS solution for our club. -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Cannot promise, sorry.
Sharon Taylor commented
Is there any chance that this will be added as a feature any time soon? Your last response to this was over a year ago. I know that Version 5 CMS is taking longer than anticipated but this feature would be a huge help in designing the forms for our many events. Any possibility that this would be part of another upgrade in 2014?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Appreciate the feedback. Wishlist is one of three main sources for us in planning of each release (the other two are what we get in support and our own thinking/strategy). All in all, about 1000 balls we have to juggle :-)
Anyway, our main focus for the next ~6 months is to finish the CMS redesign in version 5 so we are putting everything else aside. -
Northeast Region commented
Hi. To whoever reads these..... This is exactly what I need. My members are going to be disgruntled that they have to purchase extra tickets (costing more money) separately. I read all of the comments on this topic and it seems that more of us are in need of this feature. I know you strive to make your customers happy, so I suggest moving another topic to the back burner and putting this one in queue. It's not one or even two that will benefit, but several and you will gain another client once this feature becomes a reality ( don't remember who, but it's there.)
PLEASE..... TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION.... change your plans and get this feature built in sooner than later. What' the point in having a "wishlist" for your customers if all we are going to be told is that "it's not on the list right now"......
Your customers are speaking.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry, no, this has not been schedule into any releases yet.
ronkstahl commented
Any news for this feature for this year?
Jay Harrell commented
[quote user="Chief_Apricot"]The chances of it do not look good, there are too many things ahead of it in the queue. [/quote]
That's hard to hear. Lack of this one feature is causing us a great deal of pain with events. We can't make the system correctly calculate a price, and so we can't use online payments. We're getting a lot of bad feedback from our members on it.
beaks2lee commented
I can promise that as soon as it's done you'll get one new client out of it from me :) We have a group that would probably be a professional pricing group that we will probably move to WA as soon as you add this feature. I hope it makes it into the queue on future updates! :)
Dmitry Buterin commented
The chances of it do not look good, there are too many things ahead of it in the queue.
ronkstahl commented
Any chance this will be in a release this year? This would solve a lot of our registration issues.
ronkstahl commented
Several of our events have an extra charge for example a BBQ. This charge is based on the number of people in that group/family that will be attending the BBQ after the event. It would be nice to have a way to add a field that had a quantity dropdown and a price relation so if the cost is $25 per and 2 is selected from the dropdown the system would charge an extra charge of $50. Right now I have to use radio buttons and hope I cover the maximum number of group/family members.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, appreciate your detailed post!
beaks2lee commented
I think what we're looking for here is a selection and quantity multiplier field that can be added in either a radio button, drop down box or multiple choice boxes.
Say that you're offering a banquet ticket to attendees at a cost of $40, but someone wants to buy 50 banquet tickets. As your form works now, you have 2 choices either a radio button or a multiple choice field that lists 1 ticket at $40, 2 tickets at $80 and so on. Now if someone wants to buy 50 tickets, the event form would have 50 lines. That's just a pain in the butt. A quick fix for that would be to allow a drop down box with added cost and auto calculation.
What we'd like to see is a one line box that says "Banquet ticket" PLUS a quantity (either a drop down 1-50, or a text area that you can input the # of tickets you'd like to buy, plus an option that automatically calculates the total cost. It would look like this:
click here for banquet ticket - ____ # of tickets at $40 per ticket = ____
Where click here activates the line, then the user is asked to input the # of tickets just before # above and the system would automatically calculate the total for that line to the right of the equal = sign.
Another example would be if your're ordering t-shirts. Do you want a mens blue, mens red, ladies blue or ladies red, the sizes are small, medium, large, x-large.
There are so many combinations that would take up so many lines, merging those options into one or 2 drop down boxes would save entry time and space.
I have a lot of situations like that. One is where we sell back issues of our journal. There are many prices, 1 price for an individual in the US, one price for individuals outside the US, and another price for Intuitions in or out of the US. ABOVE that the person or institution ordering may want to have more then 1 copy of each issue, and they may want to order multiple issues. that's not an event registration situation but I could manipulate the event registration form to allow for that if the registration options were more flexible.
jcm commented
My organization has an interest in this feature, and would be most interested in seeing it implemented in the near future.
Dmitry Buterin commented
This has been requested by other people quite a few times so I will promote this to the roadmap.
beaks2lee commented
Consider adding a variable dues rate option. We have a group that pays dues based on hotel nights available throughout the year, the dues rate is HOTEL NIGHT x $0.02 = AMOUNT OF DUES YOUR COMPANY WILL PAY:
5,000 NIGHTS x $0.02 = $100 dues for 1 year
aquamindy commented
I need this also! We have multiple types of event registration (parent/child/non-member parent/non-member child) and each has a different cost and I need a drop down so people can register multiple people for one event with different costs for each.