Require member to update or verify profile when renewing
I would like the option to require members to verify their information is correct when they renew annually. Currently there's no way to force members to even look at their information after they initially inputted it, which may be several years old.

Deborah Buck commented
I'm curious how @Jennifer Weiss handled the situation as her comment is from 2017, and we are in a very similar situation here in 2020! If there could be a triggering field that would direct the end-user to update their profile upon login, that would be fantastic. Say there's a checkbox field for profile_update_needed, if checked, the user logging in is directed to edit their profile (which won't save until all required fields are input).
Jennifer Weiss commented
This would be fantastic! I would like to have the system require members to update their profile when they log in if all the required fields aren't filled out, but requiring verification or update upon renewal is the next best thing.
I'm dealing with importing our member database and all of our members will be missing profile information due to the differences between our old system and WA unless I go in and edit the old database by hand prior to importing. That's not happening with 400+ active accounts.
Bryan Ferris commented
Please provide a feature whereby the admin. may set a profile expiration date &/or period that would limit the member from transacting on the site until they update their profile.
Keith Rice commented
Great idea. Our profiles are extensive and member interests are fluid.
Susan Adams commented
For both legal and safety reasons we need our members to review and update their profiles at least annually. The ideal time would be as part of the renewal process. I wish we could turn off the "Renew until..." button until they have updated and saved their profile. Any chance??
Susan Adams commented
Perhaps admin could elect to remove the link to renew until after member has viewed profile and responded to required questions.
Susan Adams commented
In addition to Jarren's reason for requesting this, we need to ensure for liability reasons that our members have answered some critical questions and agreed to our waiver.
Susan Adams commented
I believe that if a member clicks the link in the renewal letter to "View invoice online", (s)he never sees her/his profile.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
When members renew their membership, the form contains all the profile fields, this part of the process. How would you see the process in your case?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
So, in a very simple way it can be a checkbox they have to check before being allowed to proceed with their renewal? Like terms of use?
Allison Ellis commented
I wish there was a way to add "qualifications" for renewing memberships. Like questions they have to answer prior to their renewal being completed. For instance, our members are required to conduct a certain number of mediations per year and have to "swear" to this (and a few others) before they can renew. We have been working around it since we started using Wild Apricot, but it would be so nice to have the ability to ask those questions in some type of renewal format within the system.
Thank you.