Event Registration - Multiple Day Conference with Multiple Sessions
Allow participants to register for multiple session being offered at different times and with different registration limits under one event. These individual sessions may have different prices associated based upon membership categories.
Also please consider adding the ability to limit some of the add on items on the registration form. Some special items that may have an additional fee may be limited in the number that can be purchased and this is difficult to do if you have to check it constantly to make sure that you don't exceed the available limit.

Angie Jensen commented
Please make an option for registrants to select more than one registration type at a time available ASAP. Thank you!
Angie Jensen commented
This is something I desperately need also. Conference registrations often require multiple options for purchase. For example, pre and post conference sessions with different payment amounts. Early registration with member and non-member rates. I went through the effort of creating 29 event options only to discover, my registrants have to enter in each registration separately. Too confusing for everyone!
Maddie commented
I would like to be able to charge for different sessions at an event, and to able to do so while also having the charges be different for members and non-members.
If that isn't possible, then I'd like to be able to make certain custom field questions only visible to certain registration types.
Linda Parker commented
Event is spread across 2-4 different locations
Each location has multiple start times (sessions) on multiple days
Attendees may choose two sessions -
IAP2 USA commented
I am gearing up to set up an event with multiple sessions, different registration limits, different pricing for members, non-members each session, register for multiple events at the same time/date not allowed using extra cost fields. If there's a different/better way to do this, please let me know. Thank you!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I believe that both of your requests are covered here - http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825575-limit-number-of-selection-for-individual-registrat - if you present your sessions as registration form options (e.g. set of checkboxes)
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Am I right that you set up each table as a separate Registration type, so you can limit number of registrations for for each type? I would suggest using special checkblox list (or any other list type field) in your registration form and make it mandatory to choose. The list is all your table.
Unfortunately, there is not yet ability to limit number of selection for such choices - we have a dedicated thread for that, see http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825575-limit-number-of-selection-for-individual-registrat
Kirsten Greene commented
I need this as well. I am in the process of putting up our first event registration. People will register to have table space at our flea market. I don't see an easy way for people to register for more than one table besides going back in and doing the registration process again.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Not sure what you mean. Can you give couple examples?
Cherie Hime commented
Allowing multiple button choices in one registration would be most helpful as most website have this option when you want to choose more than one thing and pay at the end. This will decrease confusion when people go online and want to choose more than one registration option. Please put this in development.