Ability to manually enter author name on blog posts
It would be nice to be able to indicate an author of a post who might be different from the person entering it. Our blog is moderated by one person, but many contribute content. It would look much better and give credit where it is due if the post carried the actual author's name.

Scott Kemp commented
Come on guys. This is drop-dead simple compared to some of the other requests. There is another thread with 23+ votes on it as well. As a new user of the system, I am now very nervous. If simple things like this aren't getting dealt with... ???
Michael commented
Can we get some feedback from WA about this? First requested in 2014 and still nothing???
F&F commented
Lagging feature development is the main reason we left WA. Moving to a new website is not easy and we would have loved to stay. We really didn’t want to leave, but unfortunately, the new WA owners evidently felt it was more important to update the dashboard interface than add functionality. There was nothing wrong with the old interface and in our opinion, changing colors and menu orientation did nothing to improve a system which had so much potential. There are tons of requests that never get addressed, yet fees increase and functionality stagnates. We just felt we had to leave before we invested any more time waiting for development that forced is to deal with inefficient work-arounds.
Anonymous commented
When will this feature be added? It's literally been years...
mdekker commented
is there an update on the ability to change author when creating a blog?
Anonymous commented
I would like the option to show the blog post coming from our organization, not a specific person (usually me).
Anonymous commented
Yes! This would be a helpful feature.
Christine commented
For the author, I'd love to see a drop down list of Contacts in our system so then we can attribute the work to them.
Anonymous commented
I own a membership site for nurse entrepreneurs and need to screen and edit blog articles for relevancy and appropriateness. I also offer benefits to those who contribute, but need an orderly way to do it. In other words, I have a specific process for members to follow if they want to be a "Featured Member." It's really important that I can add the guest post and as admin, select the author.
Kathryn Collins commented
This is very important - it is not uncommon to have guest bloggers post on sites, as well as a designating one person to post other blogger's entires to ensure consistency, format, etc.
Jane commented
yes I have just set up our site and added historical posts and they all have my name as author .. I tried changing my privacy settings but my name still showed up .. might have to look at some css ? would be great to have ability to put in the "real" author's name as many of our sponsors provide content. Great program overall
Jennifer Weiss commented
We had to use CSS to remove the blog author entirely and instead we list the author at the bottom of each post. We would MUCH prefer to be able to have the author visible and able to be changed to the correct person even though our blog admin is the one who posts (but doesn't write) every blog.
Andrew Wootton commented
This would be useful as I get sent posts to add on behalf of someone which then appear to originate from me. Only available to admins, so no issue with false names.
Paul Venderley commented
Sometimes Administrators have to add blog posts for those who do not have administrative access, giving the appearance that one person is adding the content to the Chapter Blog. It would be great if a "written by" field were made available and visible (by default) in the Recent Blog Posts gadget.
Latecia Mills commented
Agreed. This would be useful for our organization as well. We have a common blog administrator/moderator, but want to credit the appropriate submitter.
Front & Finish commented
I agree that it would be beneficail to offer the option to manually enter author names. We are a magazine publisher and post articles from our authors on our website. We would like to be able to identify the author of these submissions by name.
As it stands now we have to create a fake account for each author, log in under the pseudo account, and then post articles. Beyond this, we also have to make these fake accounts admins or we wouldn't be allowed to post images with the articles.
The only other option we can think of is to create a single generic account with the title of our publication as the author name. This doens't appear to be a workable solution because author names won't be posted with their material when we create blog lists on other pages.
David Bergstone commented
The president isn't one who typically administers the website but his posts are put on there. This would be better to be able to change or just eliminate if clear who it is from.
Mia Schober-King commented
Could also lead to false names being entered.