reports that access financial information and information from the application simultaneously
I am told by WA that it is currently not possible to run a report that includes both financial information and information that is in the application. We need this capability.
When our members join the state organization they also join a district (for the geographic area in the state where they live). The dues get divided between the state organization and the districts. Currently, to figure out how much of the dues goes to the state and how much goes to the district accounts we need to export the contact information from WA to an excel sheet and export the financial information from WA to another excel sheet. Then we need to sort both spreadsheets by ID number. Then we compare both spreadsheets to make sure they have the same information in them. We need to delete the members who paid previously and payments that are not dues. Once the spreadsheets contain the same ID numbers in the same order, then we can cut and paste them together into one spreadsheet. Then we need to sort the spreadsheet by district, membership level, and name. When this is done, we need to add some formulas to the spreadsheet to total up the amounts. This is a very labor intensive process.
It would be much simpler if we could run a report in WA that includes the district of residence (something that is entered into the application) and the financial information. Does anyone else have this same issue?
We have updated contents of financial exports in 5.12. release (
– Added more contact details
– Invoice origin details, e.g. Event name & Registration type for events and Level name for membership invoices
– Payment date to invoices
Some other minor changes.
Anonymous commented
We need to do something like this too - reflect the chapter with the reporting so the funds are properly allocated. Editing the financial reports seems like a basic function that many other WA users need.