Custom fields for group members
It would be useful to be able to create custom database fields that apply only to members of a particular group. When someone is assigned or joins a group, they or the admin can fill in the group fields.
Example: Create a group called "Mentors". Have a custom field for members of the Mentors group called "Areas of Mentoring Expertise". On the directory of Mentors, members can search for Mentors by this field.
Secondary request: Be able to create a directory based on a group or groups, not just on membership level. I was able to do this by creating a saved search for group members and choosing that in the directory settings, but it would be more intuitive to just check a box right on the Directory Settings page for the group or groups to include.

Released in version 5.18.
You can easily use member group(s) for your Member directory and Featured member gadgets.
More about 5.18 release:
Katya, Astra crew @ Wild Apricot
Lorette commented
It would equally be nice if we could change the label "Member" to match our terms - eg Entrepreneurs, Advisors, Service Providers, etc.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This makes sense, thank you.