Bulk invoice print/email
Would really like the ability to email and/or print all invoices returned by a filter. It's a lot of unnecessary work to have to open each invoice to send it.

Charles Dapolite commented
Thumbs up here, please add. This is a feature that I thought would already be there. At a class or a conference, we need to give out invoice to those attendees that have not paid. We have a class tomorrow and we need to print out over 100 invoices! Takes a long time to go to each attendee and click through what is needed.
Colleen Corrigan commented
We would like to print bulk invoices also, we have a work around but at least an hour would be saved each month with an option to print all invoices with one print click.
Each month the filter is selected and the process begins. Mozilla and google each have a different print option, some of our printer features are not available so choosing the right brower is the first step. then open the invoice, then choose preview and print; then print again then adjust so it fits on the page. then print, close that browser page; click back the appropriate number of times for the next invoice.
Our last online database offered the list (just like this one) and preview, then print and page after page would print, or in our case we print two each month so that we have a copy to mail and a copy for our records. We spare no trees for this important dues process.
Charles Dapolite commented
I think this is really needed, a basic feature that I thought would already be there. Our organization hands out invoices at our classes and conferences for people that have not paid.
Please try to add this.
Dan commented
For my business there are many members who do not pay dues on time and need several invoices mailed to them. Maybe 400 out of 500 members will pay on time, and I'd rather not print out 100 individual invoices multiple times to mail to them. So bulk printing of invoices would be a real help in that regard.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Kathy, can you tell us more about this - what is the situation when you need to email/print invoices in bulk? Give us as detailed as example as possible.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
If your members have email address, then you can use automatic renewal invoice generation feature - see help article http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Membership+renewal+settings#Membershiprenewalsettings-Automaticallygeneratingmembershiprenewalinvoices on this.
Printing is a different beast so I joined your comment to existing thread on this matter.
KevinK commented
Paper invoicing and statement printing
We would like to add Group Invoicing and able to send Paper statements thru snail mail in Wild Apricot
Like assessments charges (all the same price), we have to invoice 300 members separately. takes forever.
Right now you have to manually add invoices one by one, and if a member does not have a email account they will never be notified or can pay there bill.
If Wild Apricot is like a point of sale billing, we should have more flexibility with accounts receivable.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Merged your comment to appropriate thread. See also http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827138-bulk-send-invoice-reminders-manual-or-scheduled
robing commented
I'm really surprised that not one person has asked to be able to generate invoices in bulk. We have a significant number of people who pay by check, and those invoices (from what I've been able to discover) are not automatically generated at renewal time, so I have to ensure that they're all generated manually. Since the previous person didn't do that, I'm now trying to catch up, and it would be an amazing time saver to be able to click any number of members and generate invoices for them at one time.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I want to note that there are 2 scenarios mentioned in this thread:
1) Automatically generate invoices for upcoming renewals and email them to members. This does not require any printing or manual actions. After 4.3 release when members have an access to invoices in their profile or even can pay from emailed invoice this is quite an easy change
2) Generate invoice for printing and postal mailing. Some of you mentioned that sometimes emails are wring and members might not receive invoice at all so you need to post mail it. This scenario needs further analysis.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I joined your post to existing one.
We are rolling new functionality called "Payments from Profile" in the very next release and this would be the base to implement this request - member will be able to see invoices in their profiles and pay them online.
Still, I cannot promise that we will be able to implement this soon.
Scloud commented
I would really really like to have the ability to filter a list of members coming up on their anniversary month, and have WA renew everyone on the list, and create an invoice.
WA seems to operate under the assumption that members will renew themselves. Our members are not willing to do that.
Additionally, we need for WA to create the invoices for export, so a workaround that was previously mentioned in this forum won't work for us.
Matt Shriver commented
Another challenge to this workaround is that it does not provide effective receivables tracking. Therefore we can't manage the unpaids effectively.
Matt Shriver commented
Thanks for pointing out that limiting factor.
Ed Spader commented
The problem with this workaround is that you can't match the invoice number of a mailmerge to an invoice that hasn't yet been generated. You could try to fake it, as we did, by putting an autoincrement invoice number in the merge, but when they eventually do renew, the invoice numbers won't match, and can't be reconciled against easily.
I have yet to see a corporation that will pay an invoice without there being an invoice number and a paper trail to back it up.
Matt Shriver commented
Teri- Thank you so much for offering that workaround ... I've been calculating just how long it would take me to initiate the renewals one-by-one, and the resulting effort seemed gargantuan given our census. Thanks! Jim
Matt Shriver commented
Yes, correct, we do not offer online payment - so every member writes a check.
Getting everyone to renew online is also a challenge for a variety of reasons:
1) they have changed their email address but not updated it (so our request to renew online goes unanswered);
2) they ignore or simply refuse to perform the process (and will ultimately send the check anyway);
3) they use an older browser that is not supported by WA, so they cannot accomplish the renewal task (and will ultimately send the check anyway).
Teri commented
A workaround I used is to create an email that is titled "invoice" I put in all the pertinent macros then sorted out the members who were coming due and sent the email to them.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Is this because they would typically print the invoice and submit for payment at their organization? I.e. they would pay by check and not online?
Matt Shriver commented
We have ca. 350 member renewals that we wish to "push" to each member rather than expect them to login and initiate themselves. Pushing a renewal invoice to them is highly desirable by every member, too.
Current functionality requires that we initiate a member's renewal one by one.