Bulk invoice print/email
Would really like the ability to email and/or print all invoices returned by a filter. It's a lot of unnecessary work to have to open each invoice to send it.

Amanda commented
This is a silly omission. SOS!
Hi, Diane,
We will unlikely start sending invoices via snail mail automatically anytime soon.
Having said this, you can already print the invoice from admin backend and send it to your member. See more here: http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Emailing+or+printing+invoices+and+receipts
Is there anything in this workflow that we could improve?
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team -
Diane Dias commented
ability to send membership invoices simply via snailmail without the need to jury rig it
Anonymous commented
Guys, this is stupid, get it fixed, pronto!
Anonymous commented
I second, third and forth that!!!!
Anonymous commented
A mass registration feature and a way to print multiple invoices and add multiple people to one invoice would be so helpful to us. Not having this feature is becoming a customer satisfaction issue to our members...
Malissa Bader commented
Association does yearly renewals, not being able to print all the unpaid invoices is a huge hindrance to our business
Nicholas Chernoff commented
be able to select a group and send an invoice to those members
Kimberly Eaton-Pregler commented
It would be great if we could simplify the invoice printing feature.
Having to go into each individual invoice and asking for the print cycle the asking to print is very time consuming.
It would be great if we could print the invoices that are open on the Customer Statement.If a customer has 4 open invoices and you have to open each one to print it takes forever.
Would be nice if we could print ALL open invoices from the Open Receivables as well.
Joanna Straub commented
Ditto!! We are migrating to WA at renewal time, and the ability to bulk print invoices for all existing members to accompany a letter introducing the news system would have been immensely helpful. I can also see many times in the future that this would be helpful for individual events or activities.
Colleen Corrigan commented
the ability to print multiple invoices for memberships due on the same date.
Anonymous commented
Snail mailing open balances to all members an invoice and or a Statement would be great one button. Account receivable would be collected faster.
One of our clients even posted a video on the process:
https://www.facebook.com/feritae/videos/o.21679886216/10153235726382081/?type=2&theater -
Mary Speed Lynch commented
Oh yes! Please! What a time saver. Much more efficient!
Becky Abrams commented
I agree, we need a feature to create one invoice to apply to every member in the group. We are charging each member for a tshirt this week--it's the same cost per member, however, I'm going to have to create a new invoice for each one, even though they're identical. :(
efc commented
We have aging receivables that we'd like to take another stab at getting paid. Some are from memberships that were new but never paid (still pending), others are from event registrations where payment went wrong (paypal can be confusing).
Once a month or so I'd like to pull of these (this could be via the filter on the Invoices page or via an script we build using the API) and send emails to them reminding them of the outstanding invoice.
For use with the API, all we'd need is the same special usable invoice link that ends up in the manual emails to be returned when an invoice record is returned. Then we could build the message that directs people back to an actionable invoice.
To do this in the GUI, we'd need an Email button at the top when looking at a filtered list of invoices.
robing commented
I love this idea - Kathy, you are so right! It is a horrible pain to have to do dozens of payment receipts one at a time, and a serious time suck. We're talking hours if there's a ton of payments to process and send receipts.
VetteGyrl - just to understand better: why don't a good number of your members have emails?
VetteGyrl commented
We have a good number of our members who do not have email at all. Emailing invoices to them is not an option. For this first phase of migration to Wild Apricot, I was counting on being able to PRINT ALL membership renewals, but now I see that is not an option. It will take me considerable time to individually print over 200 invoices to mail for this year. Online payment is not an option for us at this time so mail is the only way we will get paid. This will be an issue and might be considered a deal breaker when it comes time to renew.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for the example!