Bulk invoice print/email
Would really like the ability to email and/or print all invoices returned by a filter. It's a lot of unnecessary work to have to open each invoice to send it.

susan commented
Printing invoice one at a time is onerous!
Andrew Steele commented
Allowing bulk emailing or printing of invoices that are returned by a search would be incredibly helpful! Currently I have to do an advanced search, export the results to Excel, have my own invoice template in Word, and do a mail merge. It's very time-consuming to do this monthly!
Treva Stose commented
In January, we will need to print 800 - 900 invoices for a mailing to members that will include stickers for their cars for 2019. That's a LOT of invoices to open and print separately. We are dismayed that batch printing of invoices is not a feature of Wild Apricot.
Sibylle Beck commented
We have several members in our association who don't always look at their emails. Every month I have to individually print out several invoices and mail them to several members. This is very time consuming.
Anonymous commented
Need an efficient way to bulk save/print invoices to mail out to members
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to be able to email all open invoices at the beginning of the month. I currently have to enter into each open invoice and mail separately. If you could select "Email all Open Invoices" that would be great or to set a date and all open invoices sent on a set date.
Wanda Belanger commented
I feel your pain! To be able to bulk open invoices would be a marvelous time management feature I would so love to see. I was thrilled when I began using WA, and was pretty please for the most part, but like many of you, not all members pay online. Most are not even opening the emails due to many reasons that have already been mentioned. I too am a one person office and bulking invoices for print would be help tremendously! -
Debbie Beltz commented
I agree!! It would be a time saver!
Julie Miller commented
That would be fantastic! It is SO MANY steps to do it individually! PLEASE ALLOW BULK INVOICING!!
Anonymous commented
That would be fantastic! It is SO MANY steps to do it individually! PLEASE ALLOW BULK INVOICING!!
Angela White commented
Absolutely!! We would use this feature regularly! No-one has time to print individually and we deal with schools who want printed invoices - please add this feature
Chandra Tracy commented
This would be amazing. We have numerous clients in Wild Apricot and run into this problem daily!
Jeffrey Hill commented
I have thousand members. A couple hundred of them prefer to get paper invoices at any given time, and that means printing 200+ invoices one at a time if I want to get paid. Some of these members are older and don't trust electronic payments, or they are confused by them, or some just prefer to have a piece of paper for their records. I'd love them to all use electronic payments, but it's just not happening at this time. You need to give me a way to tell WA to print all open invoices that meet particular criteria. You also need to allow the selection to be made on multiple criteria. For example, all unpaid invoices that were created electronically between date X and date Y.
Anonymous commented
And allow them to be bulk or batch printed
Kelly Hauge commented
Yes! Please ADD this critical feature!!
Kaitlyn Miller commented
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I would love the option to send out auto emails each month to anyone with an outstanding balance in their account. Right now I send monthly newsletters and include an account portion with a macro about account balance, but it would be nice to target those who we're specifically trying to collect from. Thank you!
Melanie King commented
It would be great to print bluk invoices that are correctly formatted. When we print ours they are clearly from a web print out. Not very professional. This would be Awesome!
Shelbi Hoffman commented
I have many clients that would like the ability to bulk email and print invoices.
Angel Holbrook commented
I will add that YES - this is a critical feature that WA is missing. It's making our membership renewal process extremely tedious....the opposite of what I was hoping for.
Yes, this is needed! Taking me much more time than necessary because we don't have this.