Court, room or equipment reservation system
Provide a scheduling/reservation widget that makes it possible for "members" of our website (and based on their membership level) to reserve "resources" on a first-come, first-served basis.
* A resource is anything (such as a conference room, laptop, iPad, projector, etc.) that you would like to schedule on a first-come, first-served basis.
Leverage current “membership level” feature to allow members to reserve a resource listed in their “membership level”. For instance, some members will have the rights to reserve a laptop but not an iPad.
Only administrators can add a resource to a “membership level”.
Leverage current “user profile” log-in feature to authenticate “members”.
Within the above, establish the following reservation permission rights:
* Administrator - can view, create, edit and delete any reservation
* Member - can view all reservations. Can create a reservation based on "membership level" but can only delete his/her own reservation.
Display a calendar for each resource to display all current reservations. Better yet, combine all resources into a master calendar – separate by color or other..

David commented
suggest we all start looking for another membership management system... WA subscription costs have exponentially increased but still no resource management after 10 years... I first asked for this functionality 5 years ago! Hopeless!
- commented
Likewise, we are also a small yacht club and wish to have an online club booking system built on the WA membership DB. Those members with the required boating certificates should have the ability to book the club resources such as kayaks, sail boats and motor boats.
SYC Webmaster commented
We are a small yacht club with several types of equipment (boats, kayaks, paddleboards, etc.) available for use by our members. We desperately need an online system to handle reservation bookings.
Luis A. Rivas commented
Grateful if you could provide an update on this much needed functionality. Thanks.
Irene Ricahrdson commented
What happened to this requirement?
Scot McConnachie commented
I agree with the previous post: allow an arbitrary set of assigned resources be assigned to each session in an event. Linking resources to an event could be an option. If the event session itself is rescheduled then probably the linked to resources should be released and the new session time would have its resources linked in, depending upon availability.
Gary Pendleton commented
This would be useful in combination with our programs and events scheduling. Each leader would reserve a space for an event so that we don't double book a space.
Dale Jeffries, BOD commented
We love this idea. We have three classes of items to reserve. We would like the Calendar to be one for each class. One class is like an event and can have multiple registrations for a date. The other classes are one per item per date. Please add our vote for this!
Vladimir Bossev commented
We are using for court reservation and tournament management
Shop Space commented
Another makerspace here... the need for a way to reserve equipment and other resources is the only reason why we didn't choose Apricot!
Mark Millsap commented
Our organization is a makerspace. We have various tools, such as a laser cutter, several 3d Printers, Arts & Crafts room, wood shop, metal shop, etc. that we'd like to be able to offer to our members as 'reserved' for them.
When reservation is done, would be great for that reservation to show up on a resource calendar, so folks can check and see if a resource is free and able to be reserved.
David Nash commented
Definitely needed for club aircraft and bunkhouse room booking/reservation/payment.
Tree Martschink commented
You know how room reservation works. Once a room is taken for a given event, another event cannot be scheduled for that room during the same time period.
We need the same thing, but for boats. I imagine other organizations have assets that must be shared too.
In its simplest implementation, an asset would be a data object that can be assigned a name when created, and attached to events, but cannot be attached to multiple events with overlapping schedules.
In the alternative, the ability to attach rules to tags. Or an option to prevent a member from signing up for more than one event at a time.
john penrose commented
Court, room or equipment reservation system
Provide a scheduling/reservation widget that makes it possible for "members" of our website (and based on their membership level) to reserve "resources" on a first-come, first-served basis.
* A resource is anything (such as a conference room, laptop, iPad, projector, etc.) that you would like to schedule on a first-come, first-served basis.* Leverage current “membership level” feature to allow members to reserve a resource listed in their “membership level”. For instance, some members will have the rights to reserve a laptop but not an iPad.
* Only administrators can add a resource to a “membership level”.
* Leverage current “user profile” log-in feature to authenticate “members”.
Within the above, establish the following reservation permission rights:
* Administrator - can view, create, edit and delete any reservation
* Member - can view all reservations. Can create a reservation based on "membership level" but can only delete his/her own reservation.Display a calendar for each resource to display all current reservations. Better yet, combine all resources into a master calendar – separate by color or other..
Barry Peters commented
Our organization is an Enterprise licensed user of Wild Apricot. Our administrative users of Wild Apricot, by widespread consensus, believe that the lack of this feature is the single biggest frustration to them in their use of Wild Apricot. We're an arts and crafts membership organization that will be moving into a 25,000 square foot arts center with about two dozen rooms that need to be reserved for various activities each day.
It's vital for us to have better control over room bookings AND to have an automatic notice feature that alerts an admin user in the midst of an attempt to book a room or other resource on a day and time that duplicates a prior booking.
Henri Walhout commented
Our organization has a definite need for this. Our only currently viable on-line way is to manually enter resources on a calendar grid and then place a static screen shot on the website so everyone can see where the resources are allocated. A reservation database would be a huge step forward!
David Snell commented
This is an absolute necessity. I am retired and look after the bookings so I now live on my email which is not acceptable. If this can not be done, I am going to move that we go back to pencil and paper for some facilities. All homeowners dislike the present system and would gladly go back to pencil and paper. This is a retrograde step and undermines what we wanted to achieve with this system.
Rohde Wakefield commented
Our membership site has a sister site to allow scheduling of coach's time. It would make more sense to have this ability directly in our membership site and sharing the same member account and payment information.
Phil Caple commented
Here is an update on how we implemented our hall rental / BBQ reservation system:
For BBQ rentals, we created a WooFoo form to collect data related to the rental. We then ask the member to create a donation using a form setup to default the donation category. If the member pays for a rental when there is no slot available, we refund using a manual credit memo. The woofoo form emails our groundkeeper who validates the payment and then enters an event on our BBQ rental calendar.
This is clunky but it works. problems do occur on popular days with multiple members requesting & paying for rentals.
For Hall Rentals we have another woofoo form. it also emails our groundkeeper. He validates the event, obtains signoff on a contract and payment. Then he setups an event and manually logs the payment.
This is a manual process. Fortunately, with the vetting that has to occur with a Hall rental we don't receive payments unless an agreement has been made.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, not coming soon.