would like Renewal date to move forward to payment date
As currently configured, a member who renews during the grace period retains the same renewal date, incremented by the membership period (1 year in our case). But if they are lapsed, the renewal date bumps forward to the payment date + 1 year.
We would like to have all overdue and lapsed renewals bump forward to the date they pay. This is an issue for us because we are generous with giving people a fairly long grace period (60 days). It seems unfair that someone who renews 59 days late still has the same renewal date the next year, but someone who renews 61 days late gets their date extended forward. I understand the logic for why it is set up the way it is (members retain their privileges during the grace period), but we would like the option to change this behavior and have all late renewals bump forward.
Our current workaround is to edit the renewal date forward manually, but we would like to have an option in the renewal policy to do this automagically.

National Employee commented
I agree this would be helpful. I had a member who is set for automatic paypal payments and according to wild apricot he expired 11/30/17 but b/c he paid late last year (12/13/16) and he was recieveing emails about needing to renew but was confused that the payment didn't auto withdraw on 11/30/17. I manually changed his expiration date to 12/13/17 to match his paypal autopay date. Help this is very time consuming to fix everyones
Carol Carlton commented
The option to be able to set the renewal date one year from the date that payment is received is critical to our association. For now we can manage this manually, but when our membership grows we will eventually need a system that provides this as an automatic feature. We hope Wild Apricot can accommodate this request. Thank you!
ILONA POSNER commented
Hi We are a small professional organization, with a is tiny team of dedicated volunteers, which is why we use WildApricot for our web site and member management. We allow members to renew whenever they like. We do not have the extra cycles to manually set each members' dates of renewal. Can you PLEASE implement this feature SOON?! Thank you!
Becky Parsons commented
Would like to have this option also.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for the posting - I'll wait for others to comment on this.Probably there should be an option in the level setup so admin can choose appropriate behavior.