Show restricted access page in menu but require password to access
Right now whatever you want to protect or restrict access to, you have to put it under a "Restricted Access" functional page.
And whatever that is in that page is invisible, unless you log in.
Two suggestions/wish list....
Capability to designate each page whether it is to be password protected or not, without putting it under a restricted functional page. Having to create pages under "Restricted Access" limits flexibility and intuitiveness in arranging the pages.
Have those password protected pages menus be visible, even without logging in, but require password to proceed any further.

Gina commented
Really need the ability to restrict access, such as with a password, outside of member groups (or start allowing contact groups). As others have already said the scenario is providing materials and links to event attendees, member or not.
I went ahead with member groups since most attendees in this case are members, and used export/import to mass update member groups. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I also wiped out all existing member group affiliation (I assumed there would be addition/update). So I'm kind of off these groups now.
If we could email blast registrants with a password/code and link to event materials that would be ideal.
MickCreates commented
I have a potential (untested yet) solution, that while a bit clunky is a possible solution until Wild Apricot develops something official.
On the body tag when logged in we have a class .memberContentView & when logged out the body class is .publicContentView
At the basic level you could create a class that designates if a layout section or content gadget shows or hides for logged-in/out users (eg. body.memberContentView .hideFromMembers, body.publicContentView .hideFromPublic { display: none; } ).
One issue here is the content is still visible in the HTML & if someone knew what to look for they could unhide these elements.
So another solution you could use on top of this would be to write some JS that deletes the element from the DOM.
Something like:
var elem = document.getElementById("hideFromMembers");
var elem = document.getElementById("hideFromPublic");
elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);(The above is currently missing any detection of memberContentView / publicContentView detection but you get the point…)
Erica Peterson commented
It would be very helpful for us to have a toggle to show restricted pages in the menus. Some of our members don't log in often and forget what is available to members -- having those things visible to anyone would be a good reminder. Also having those menu items visible are a strong incentive for people to JOIN our organization -- look at these things you can't access now, but will be able to see once you join.
Matt Hansen commented
Is is possible to restrict access to a web page or to certain files by password instead of by membership level?
We have always given access to conference handouts to paid attendees of the conference, regardless of whether or not they are members. However, I do not see an option to set up a special password for page access on Wild Apricot. We would love to have the ability to set up access to a particular code (e.g. for event handouts) with a specific password and not have to do it by membership.
Robin Sapiro commented
This is really only 1 of several limitations with the menu system and page access.
What I have done for many of my pages now is within the WA menu structure to NOT place them in any menu.
Then I build my own initial pages (either public or restricted) and on those pages manually add the links to whatever pages I want to make available.
This has a few advantages.
It gives you a totally open hirachy in respect of what is accessible from where.
Your links to these pages are always visible if the member or public have access to the parent page, but if they do not have access to the target page it will give them a message if they try to access that page.Also have a look at the system pages - it may be possible to customize those errors when someone tries to access a member only page as public and/or a member page that their membership level is not authorised to
Stephanie Newman commented
I would like the same
Deana commented
I saw some nice things on there I'd like to order
Deana commented
Want to get connected to wish list
Scott commented
Like many have said here I just want the ability of password to protect a page without making it a restricted group.
Anonymous commented
Just want to be able to create a visible link to a page that requires a password - not login using email address - just one password
Peggy Schaller commented
We also would like to have a password protected page for conference handouts and password protected page or pages for dialog between conference attendees regarding roommate matching and carpools--separate pages for male and female attendees.
Only registered/paid attendees to the conference, member or not, could have access to such pages.
Anonymous commented
Please show me my password
Anonymous commented
I would also like to have a password protected page in order to post conference handouts. Not all conference attendees are members, and I don't want all members to have access - only those who registered and paid to attend the conference.
Chris Cavanaugh commented
Need to be able to create a contact list/group that I can give password protected access to a page, so I can share links to handouts from a conference with only the conference attendees, which are not just members but contacts.
Greenwich Newcomers commented
I would like this option too. At the moment you can only limit access to pages by certain member groups or member levels.
I would like to be able to limit pages to 'internally' assigned groups or to be able to password protect pages.
Secretary commented
I suspect that my members would feel more assured that members-only content was indeed private if there was no hint of its existence until logged in.
Dmitry Buterin commented
This has been raised - personally I have a number of concerns (e.g. if you have several levels of access, this can easily lead to visitor confusion and frustration - I am logged in, why can't see this page? Also, I believe many user might find it unsecure to share even the existence of some pages with public visitors)
Also I feel that much better approach is to create some public-visible content with some excerpts/teasers - it would likely be much more attractive than just page names.
I would love to hear from others on this.
Kim Bresler commented
It would be great for marketing purposes to make a restricted access section and sub-page titles show grayed with the lock by it before member log in? Then, prospective members could see what they could have access to if they joined. This would be a feature I would like to see in a future upgrade.
Duncan commented
I'd like to add my vote for this also. This would definitely be a helpful feature.
In general, folks login as required to view content that they think is available. We have a member directory that's available upon login, but members wouldn't know that necessarily without a "Be sure to login so that you get a better menu" -type of indication somehow.
Also, menu items that are viewable sometimes and hidden sometimes mess with people's sense of site navigation.
Right now, I try to workaround this with a page listing login-required options, but a menu item that indicated the same thing would be more elegant.
Thanks for considering.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No. As soon as we did, I'll post here, but it's not going to be soon, sorry.