Validate e-mail addresses
Member registration does not validate emails. This is an extra concern for sites like ours where members can join for free. Anyone can make up an email address, or worse impersonate someone else. Once an email is used, it cannot be used by another person, even if the first person is not the owner of the address and the second person is.
Please consider adding an email validation check that sends an email and requires the applicant to use a code that was emailed (or click a link).
Dmitry Buterin commented
I agree - I do that too (and I think most people do). So having two fields has very limited benefit in my mind.
rmillstein commented
It might be better to have an email actually sent out to the person, if you really want to make sure that it is a working email address.
Whenever I'm asked to enter my email address twice, I just use copy and paste. :-)
bam-bam commented
I also agree it would be good to have that for the password as well.
PensacolaFL commented
Excellent recommendation
colinshead commented
Given the importance of eMail address for new members signing up to a Wild Apricot managed system is seems not ideal that there is no ability to insist that eMail addresses are entered twice, then automatically checked for consistency. Most other systems using eMail address as a 'username;' do this to catch the majority of typos etc.
Problem not so acute with entry of the password, as you can always get a password reminder.
All best
catalyst commented
While filling up the registration form, many people mis-type their email address or password sometimes, and when they want to log in, they try to log in from their email address and password which they actually intended to submit during registration. There whould be a way to add in an extra Confirm/Re-type field for email and password that compares both emails and passwords to avoid errors and save a lot of time.