Remove event date from title tag RSS feed for events
The xml tag for <title> in the calendar RSS feed includes the date, but we don't want the date to show-up in our public scrolling window (see Is there any way to repress the date from being included in the <title> tag (there's already a <pubdate> tag that includes the date information.
Seems like if you had an option in the event itself to display the date (or not) in the RSS feed, that would be good.
Thanks for any help!
It looks like we’re not going to do this. Closing.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
The date is in title because some events might have same name but with only date difference.
But I understand your problems and I can see that it depends on each organization particular setup and so the only good way I see it works is to make RSS behavior customizable - special page in site Settings for RSS setup.
I'd appreciate others' comments.