Mandatory email in Bundle Memberships
When a person is added to a bundle membership, I want to make it mandatory that there be an email address.
Without the email address, I see no way for that person to be able to logon.
I understand that it used to be mandatory and that the decision was made to change that.
If nothing else, the end user/site admin should have the option to make it mandatory.

RWTA Admin commented
When I spoke to Wild Apricot support I was advised that:
"This is by design for bundle groups. Some bundles can be with family members with no email addresses (seniors/kids, etc) and organizations may require these groups to fill out their respective form for that additional member, etc."I find it hard to believe that this is the most common use case.
Surely we can be given the ability to configure this?
Rich Holler commented
I agree completely! At least give *us* the option whether to require it or not.
Gordon Stewart commented
I was almost embarrassed to submit a trouble ticket to find out what oversight I'd committed that allowed bundle members to not need email addresses.
I'm now embarrassed on your behalf to think that someone thought this was a good idea.
This issue goes back to 2011. Please explain why the system is improved by having members without email addresses. -
Brooke Adams commented
I cannot believe that having an email address for each bundle member as they are added to the bundle isn't mandatory. This is ridiculous when WA whole system is based on unique email addresses! It also means we have no way of connecting with the new member and providing them with vital information on their new membership to our organisation. For all the great things WA offer, this is a definite let down and in some ways a deterrent to use the system.
Anonymous commented
It beggars belief really that it is not mandatory as the database is only as good as the entries made. If we are to be placed at the mercy of others then the system potentially falls down on a corner stone of business communication. Please make it mandatory. Thank you
John Lehmann commented
Agree strongly with other commenters. Our entire communication efforts depend on 100% member emails. Inertia leads to a high rate of non-completion, leading to more work and/or suboptimal membership contact abilities.
WA is supposed to make our life easier, not harder! Please give the administrator the option to make Bundle Member emails mandatory. Thank you.
Steve commented
Email should absolutely be required or be an option to make it mandatory. It makes no sense to not give the admin the option to make it required.
Nicole Mortillaro Willits commented
Yes! Please give us the option to make the email field required. An email address is necessary for logging into the platform and is the identifying piece of information when our members are looking to register for an event. Many bundle administrators will fail to fill in the email address, which leads to inefficiencies in the system.
Joan Pritchard commented
I agree a thousand percent. The required email address is key to the functioning of our membership program. Those filling out membership forms and applications shouldn't have to face all kinds of instructions on how to do it correctly. Guaranteed some bundle administrator will fail to fill in the email address and we wouldn't even know. And there goes our hard-earned contact. Please at least give us the option to make it a required field.