Different Form Options for Guests
I am hoping that someone will be able to tell me how to do this, perhaps a workaround I haven't thought of?
We are trying to use WA for our conference registration and are having issues because we include hotel stays with our conference fees. Basically, we register attendees by group so they are either ALL members or ALL non-members. Great because the primary contact can register all of their board members/staff at one time and the system knows that they are members so their pricing will be correct. For each guest, their fee goes up $250 and for each room they reserve, it goes up $600. I also need to know WHICH room they are in (to put people together in rooms) so for example, Room 1, Room 2, Room 3. And I need to know if they have any special diet requirements, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.
I'd appreciate any thoughts on the best way to do this. I could have each guest fill out all the information, but I don't want them to get charged for too many rooms. I'd like the primary registrant to choose the number of rooms and then have them note rooming info, diets, etc, on each guest's registration.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Moving the thread to Wishlist - I received another comment on this topic from processing our survey responses.
Amy Van Bergen commented
That might work. Thanks. I'll think about in more detail and try to figure out how that might work best in our situation. Appreciate the response!
Fluid Apricot commented
It is currently not possible to customize the guest registration form separately so the same event fields will show up for main registrant and for guests.
It is however possible to use javascript to simply hide the fields you don't want the guests to see / fill in (assuming the fields are not mandatory), but I don't know if that would work in your case. If this is something you want to pursue please contact support directly with the event, fields etc you want to hide.
Amy Van Bergen commented
Sure. When I have the primary contact fill out their form, I want them to decide how many rooms so there are options: 2 rooms $600 3 rooms $1200, etc. Each time they want another room (no matter how many occupants), it is always $600 for 3 nights.
When they add Guests, I don't want them to have to fill out the # of Rooms info again, I just want to add to the form Special Accommodations, Early Arrival or Departure, and which room that they are assigned to...Room 1, Room 2.
I guess what I'm asking is...Is there a way to customize the Guest Form or are we tied to just contact information or the whole enchilada?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Hi Deanna,
I am assuming you are trying to use event extra charges fields for this and using an option when each registrant has to fill out full event registration form.
Can you elaborate on at what moment you are hitting the roadblock with what you have described?