Adding "Read more" link to event details
Hello there,
We sometimes have events that have many speakers for which we give bios of each. This can make the event description quite lengthy. In order to shorten the event description so that it's not so overwhelming for the potential attendee, it would be great to have the ability for a "Read more" link within the event description. That way, if someone wants to read more about Jane Doe's life, then he/she can just click the "Read more" link and be taken to a separate page just for that person. Right now, I could create a content page underneath the Event Calendar (what we call "Programs"), but then that page also shows up as a sub-header, which I don't want. In fact, the only way I would like someone to be able to link to that page is via the event description (short of typing in the url).
Does that make sense? If so, is there a way to do this? I don't want to restrict access to anyone because our events are open to our non-members as well as members.
As always, thanks for listening.

Alex Sirota commented
It would be useful to add a "short description" box with a max of 200 characters to an event that can be shown as a preview and used as a macro in email instead of the full description
The event speaker(s) should also be a separate piece of data that could be featured in an email apart from the description. This would make for more marketing-friendly calls to action in an email and remove the need to include the full event description which can get long.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Luchia, This can be done now via a workaround - create a page invisible in menu and insert a Read more link to this page.