Increase the number of scheduled event announcements
I agree! The per event scheduling is a great feature BUT it would be nice to schedule an email blast for all the events on a schedule.
We use our website for our training events and members are receiving 6 - 10 notifications a month. Even though they love our training events they do not like receiving individual notifications.
Any chance that this will be in a future release?

Anonymous commented
Allow for more than three emails to be scheduled for each event. I have to keep going back in and scheduling after the third one has been sent.
Tracie commented
three event announcements per event is not enough. please add ability to add more if needed.
Sally Bunce commented
Having only three announcements per event is constraining. We have tailored announcements for different target groups of the same event, so being limited to three means announcements need to go through the email module.
It would be great if you could add an announcement to an event without any limitations on the quantity. -
Shadi Guirguis commented
Increase the number of event announcements and reminders to registered members from 3 to 7 and allow us to schedule the time reminders are sent.
Nancy Scanlan commented
Direct marketing experts used to say that it took 3 mailings (or emailings) with people for maximum direct mail response. Now they say it takes 7. In the past we used to do 3 mailings and/or emailings, but we have just changed over to the 7 mail/email model. So it would be nice to be able to automate more than 3. We would usually do at least 2 snail mails as part of the campaign (a "Save the Dates" postcard and mailing our program). 5 automatic emails would work better for us, too. (And I know we can do this manually right now. Just would be nice to automate it fully.)
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Yes, that is a good point and I've been thinking of it already - I think that we should just allow to define as many announcement as you want. We did start design of this feature some time ago but had to postpone due to our current focus on CMS.
Will come back to this sometime later in future.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We are working now on events redesign - see - and part of this work would be this particular aspect. Admin will be able to schedule as many emails as he wants. The thread I mentioned also contains links to design pictures showing new emails setup of event.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for the comment. By the way, for now with manual blasts you can filter out already registered people via Advanced search in Contacts.
pstrom commented
What we'd like to have is the ability to schedule a greater number of emails per event.
The existing 3 announcements and reminder are adequate for our regular monthly events, but we have one or two special events each year that are announced and marketed for several months in advance. The campaign usually begins with a “Save The Date” announcement, continues with monthly messages offering more information and early enrolment discounts, and become more frequent during the final 6-8 weeks, plus the reminder to the registrants a few days before the event. We can do these as individual email blasts, but scheduling them automatically and preventing all the notices from going to those already registered would be a huge improvement.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate what exactly you would ideally like to see in the system?
Did you consider simply sending a manual email blasts with links to various events?
Rick Kerner commented
Great job on the new upcoming email templates! My only concern, or "plus-side" with Constant Contact, is no limit on the number of scheduled Sends per event. Up until now. your limit is 3 scheduled emails per event. Our chapter sends out SEVEN scheduled emails per event. This is based on sound direct marketing principles. With that many emails, we/Constant Contact also allows our people to OPT OUT of "specific" email campaigns.
Does there need to be a limit? Could you UP the limit to seven, or at least five?
Steve Veach commented
There are currently only three event announcement presets for people that haven't registered yet for an event and that isn't enough for us.
We start promoting our events at least four weeks early and sometimes as much as six weeks. In the early weeks we send one email per week. In the final week we send two emails.
That means we would need between five and seven announcement presets to automate the entire process.
The number of reminder presets for people that have already registered (also currently three) is adequate for us, however.