Allow multiple online payment gateways in one WA account
(Re-posted and edited from post below)
We have 2 organizations, one that manages the membership and the other our tax-deductible contributions. As such we have 2 different bank accounts and therefore need 2 different payment gateways. We're signed up with, however there's only one global setting in WA for online payments. If it were possible to choose a payment method, for instance one for membership and another for donations, that solve the problem of having to set up 2 WA accounts.
For now I've set up 2 accounts and am working with the widgets. This is a good work-around, however the members will need to fill out 2 different profiles and they can't view all the information in their accounts at once.
Update: The donation form widget sort of works from one WA account to another. However, the event widget works perfectly! I set up our sponsorships as events and pasted the code into the main site. It looks great.

Alain commented
By "chapters" do you mean Membership levels? Please clarify as other in the community may not be sure what you are referring to.
jenpen commented
I know there was some discussion about this starting in about 2010 and reading the various threads I found myself going in circles. Has any progress been made? We can't take payments for events until it is implemented.
Melissa Rij commented
I'd like to see multiple payment gateways in one WA account. I need a gateway to pay our pro and one to go directly to our club.
Thank you for considering this suggestion.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Rick, thanks for the comment.
Rick Dalven commented
I'm evaluating WA now. Multiple payment options would certainly be a plus (not a show stopper; the product already exceeds my expectations).
Our club would like to pay for different events to different accounts (some are not ours, but our vendors/partners). I'm not too concerned about multiple gateways.
Deannedv commented
I would also like to see an option that would allow for different "events" to be linked to different bank accounts (or even different payment gateways that might be connected to different bank accounts). Please consider adding this to an upgrade in the near future (and in the meantime I would welcome further tips on a possible work around!)!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for comments.
I think that having multiple payment providers should be implemented only when we implement ability to customize payment methods - see
My idea is that you need a way to setup multiple payment methods in first and where you allow to use each one (or several simultaneously). Having several payment providers is an extension to this customization - like one of payment methods is connected to a different provider.
AnnaP commented
I would like to see users choose which payment method works best for them. If they use PayPal, they choose that, if they have a Google account, they go with Google. This allows more options for the user, and the organization does not need to pick just one way to pay.
Matthieu commented
i haven't heard of a merger and I highly doubt that they would, but I could be wrong.
Also, just like Authorize.NET, members can pay simply with credit card rather than their PayPal account or Google Checkout account. And if you use PayPal Pro members would just presented with a credit card payment form rather than get transferred to PayPal so users won't know that PayPal is the processor.
Larry Killer commented
Thank you Poetic.
It would be nice to offer members a choice of which payment company to use as they may already have an account with one and not the other. Or, in a couple of cases that I've seen so far, they actually have a hatred for the one service that we use!
We will continue to use the service that we have an account with and go from there!
By the way...Not that this is directly involved, but I heard rumor yesterday that PayPal and Google Checkout were in the process of either merging or buying on or the other out. Has anyone else heard this?
Matthieu commented
Hi, that is correct - you can only use one payment gateway at a time.
Larry Killer commented
I think this has already been answered as I found the following link: , so I am just looking for confirmation.
At the moment, it is not possible to offer our members the option of making a membership payment through either PayPal OR Google Checkout? We can only provide a payment option to one or the other. Is that correct?
Thank you.
Dmitry Buterin commented
This might also be applicable for people managing several separate chapters/groups within a single account, see
I would appreciate input from others to help us flesh this out and prioritize.
U3AGeoff commented
The ability to customize things in this area could be generalized to include manual payments in the options list and then, by event, select the payment methods available. We frequently organize events where we want manual payment only - at the event - and so wish to disable online payment. I can see that in some circumstances manual payment should be disabled and online payment only accepted.
England commented
Hi, I'd like to offer more than payment option, ie at the moment you can only select one, it's PayPal or Google or other but not both. I'd like the user to be able to choose from PayPal or Google as a payment option when signing up.