Ability to use date range for date-type fields
The database column "Renewal Date last Changed" is essential when we need to send out membership cards and other new member items.
I produce member cards twice a month - once for the first half and then for the last half of the month. Any time on or after the 16th of the month I extract all those with a renewal date of the 1st thru the 15th and then after the first I extract all those with a renewal dated of the 16th thru the 31st.
Given the current tools, this is a tricky selection that requires two criteria - everyone whose renew date is greater than or equal to the 1st of the month AND less than or equal to the 15th of the month. There is a different set of criteria for the last half of the month. Also, these searches cannot be saved since next month the dates have to be changed to reflect the new month.
This process would be greatly simplified with a pair of new search criteria :
Select all members with a "Renewal Date last Changed" between day X and day Y of this month.
Select all members with a "Renewal Date last Changed" between day X and day Y of last month.
I would use option 1 on the 16th of the month in the form
"Select all members with a "Renewal Date last Changed" between day 1 and day 15 of this month."
and after the first of the next month I'd use option 2 in the form
"Select all members with a "Renewal Date last Changed" between day 16 and day 31 of last month."
Users who send out weekly member cards could set up additional ranges for whatever dates they are interested in,
Also, these searches could be saved and re-used each month since the terms "this month" and "last month" are based on the current date and are always meaningful.

Jeff Nakama commented
I too could use date range in the advanced search to search for age of children. It would be very useful if the advanced search could do that.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I have tweaked the title to make this broader. For now only system fields have date type but we plan to allow custom date fields so this becomes even more relevant.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Gordon, as you can see, there were no other comments on this request - so for now we will have to keep it lower on our list than many other threads here.
Gordon Stewart commented
Is there any hope of getting this acted upon ???