Customization of event list view - and persisence of selected view
It would be very helpful for administrators to have multiple options for viewing the Event list, including:
* by date/time ascending (next event first)
- alphabetical by event name.
We're managing dozens of small events each year and need to have up to six months' worth of events listed at a time. This would help in reviewing/editing upcoming events and in copying lists of events to e-mail messages, HTML newsletters, and text documents. The current reverse chronological order of the list forces me to copy and paste each event individually in order to get them in chronological order.
It's also frustrating that anything I enter in the Event List search box is gone and the entire list restored when I return to the list page after going to the event page I need to edit. Often I need to edit a block of related events, so I have to reenter the same search term in the box over and over until I find them all and get them edited. (Opening the event link in a new tab or window just defaults to the dashboard.)

susan_vpa commented
Many, many organizations have that many events. They must be using different software.
I, too, would like to be able to sort events. It would be great to have them listed in chronological order.
AnnetteBos commented
I have the same request - I also would prefer that the whole list of events is not refreshed because I also work with similar groups of events. For instance, I only want to see events that are tagged as "education", but each time I go back everything is redisplayed.
It would be nice to have something like the advanced member search... when you go back you are still in the search list and the entire membership list is not redisplayed.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Interesting point, this has not come up before - I am guessing that few people have that many events.
I would be very interested to hear what others have to say.
You can use tags to create multiple event lists - but this will not help in event administration.