Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Griff Wigley commented
Might there be a solution for this in the next few months? My client wants to announce the events for 2013 early in the 1st quarter.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Yes, thanks a lot.
Griff Wigley commented
Malcolm said it accurately for me in his reply 23849 :
Here's the scenario for my client. As an organization, they host 8-10 nationwide motorcycle competitions in a season. All the pro riders and most of the top tier riders participate in all the events, whereas the various classes of amateur riders generally participate in fewer events.
But all the events for a season are announced at once, so riders can register and pay for all the events they intend to ride for the year and be done with it.
This past season, we showed them (I created a screencast/how-to video) how they could register for several events and THEN PAY FOR ALL with one PayPal transaction.
But as Malcolm indicated, it can be confusing and laborious for them to keep circling back to the start of the event registration process up to 8 times, entering the same information.
Does that help explain the problem?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Having read of the topic again, I'm not sure what kind of problem we are trying to solve here. Currently, it is possible to register to multiple events and pay later in a single payment transaction.
Can you all give me some real scenarios / examples of what you need and why?
Malcolm de C commented
I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
In one of out next updates we are planning to make a change to how event registration and membership applications work. Instead of requiring payment after each transaction, visitor will get an invoice in his profile. He may register for several events and get several invoices and then pay for them altogether. Or he can apply for membership and get the invoice, then register for event and pay in a single transaction.
But still application and event registration interface remains pretty much the same - step by step procedure. As far as I understand it's not enough just to have ability to pay for several registration in one payment (however this is important too), but also simplify the registration process to multiple events.
Does anyone have an idea how it may work? Like when you click on register to event, system also shows some of other events (which ones?) and you can check them also?
Paul at PEN commented
I've been asking for this for a long time, especially the ability to pay for membership and an event together... there are many similar requests in this thread:
Ann commented
We would like members to be able to signup and pay for multiple events online at one time (utilize the shopping cart function of paypal).
Right now members can sign up and pay online but they must pay for each event seperately.
It would be much more convient if people could sign up and add events to their shopping cart and then check out and pay online one time via paypal in our case.
Kim Skimmons commented
For organizations that have lots of events that require sign-ups, it would be nice to be able to sign up for multiple events at one time and pay for all of them at once.
Dmitry Buterin commented
In our next version 3.3 it will be possible to register multiple people for the same event.
However one transaction to handle registrations to several events is a whole separate issue.
I would appreciate input from everyone.
sabobird commented
These issues are on the Roadmap. See this thread:
CindyOsbon commented
Please consider adding functionality that would allow a user to register for multiple events in a single session and have the total calculated (if payment is required) without requiring the user to repeat the registration process multiple time.
It would also be nice to have the functionality to have a user register multiple attendees in a single session (a supervisor registering 3-4 employees for an event)
Mia Schober-King commented
Believe I requested this previously (cannot locate this post, sorry)... It would be oh so helpful if one could add people (from a Saved Search) to an event just like one can Add Contact List when emailing. Thank you.
ndenman commented
We have one event, Sunday Worship, but have 3 different jobs people would be RSVPing to at the same time, I wish there was a way to have people sign up for different levels. This could also work for other groups with having a different price point for tickets, or different seating options.
Malcolm de C commented
We are a sports society and have many fixtures against other societies.
We encourage members to show their availability by registering for as many events as possible event and then select the team from those who have registered.
We treat them all as free events - those selected have to pay to participate but all money is collected on the day and to keep it simple, we don't put it through the system.
There is only one registration type and all the registration forms are the same - one additional field to those that are pre-populated - this also encourages members to tick the 'Include name in list of event attendees' box (we would also like this to be be able to default to 'yes' - see other threads)
Is the facility to be able to put exactly the same registration information to multiple events planned for the next release? I have seen references to this in a number of threads but cannot determine the current status of this in the wish list
Kim Skimmons commented
* Make Registration Type selection a set of checkboxes instead of radio buttons to allow a member to choose more than one type of registration at the same time (e.g., Attendee + Volunteer (Food) + Volunteer (Day of Event)).
* Allow member to specify number of people and names (e.g., a family might have both the husband and wife available to volunteer, or all 4 family members will attend the event for each type.) I know multiple registrations is covered in another Wishlist item. Maybe this part is just an extension of that to include Registration Types? -
CJoeG commented
The new feature for multiple event registrations is a very significant step forward. However, it falls short of being useful to one of our main customers. That customer stages races which include teams of up to 8 people (but no more than 8).
Here is a list of features which they need to be in place in order for this important new feature to work for them. They are looking for the ability to:
1) set a limit on the number of additional people who can be registered (e.g, 7 additional or 8 total),
2) update the list of additional people registered (by the original registrant) until a specified date (e.g, add two people now and then add more people later until the time limit, and max registration limit (see #1 above) has been reached), - After further testing it seems that the original registrant can keep the registration in a "Pending" state that may resolve part of this issue!
3) create a registration for the initial registrant and associate it with a group/team name,
4) either: list the name of the registered groups/teams (not just the name of the person which created the initial registration) so that a person can search the list to ensure uniqueness, or the ability of the system to veryify uniquiness of a field (group/team name in this case),
5) specify the exact number of characters of a text field on a registration form (group/team name can not be more than 20 characters long on two lines of no more than 10 characters each), and
6) modify the wording of "guest" to something more appropriate on the registration form (e.g, team member, etc.),
The customer's original request asked for the ability of "guests" to add themselves to a named "team", but requiring the person that created the original registration, (the team captain) to add the other members will work with a modification to their team registration work flow.
I look forward to working with you to understand these requested features in more detail.