Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Steve Horsfall commented
As a new account I would support the changes proposed here as this would solve a big problem for my small group.
Barbara Bach commented
We need to be able to allow members to register more than one person at more than one cost for a single event. This allows us to provide volume discount incentives, as well as for a single payment for various categories.
Anonymous commented
When adding Event Registrants, could you add "Add another registrant" from within the registration rather than having to go back to the event, click Add Registrant and go through search again... It would be much quicker!
Yes, please consider this option. we would to allow our attendees to register for both a convention and pre-convention sessions. One person being able to register for multiple registration types with one transactin on the same form would be very helpful.
Holly Young commented
I have a similar issue to have friends register together for an event. It would be great to have the option that you could add more people to your registration request.
The only thing we requested of you that wasn't available, was the ability to customize the event registration process. WA's current system is fine for individual registrations but, as a golf league, we sometimes require the ability to sign up as a twosome or foursome. It would be nice to be able to create a customized sign-up sheet for events such as these.
Marsha Binder commented
Another example would be to select a t-shirt size for the event. Could be listed as an item. Or volunteer working schedules - they may wish to register for several shifts without having to go in and register again for each shift of the event.
gmama.nv commented
Our registrants need the ability to register for multiple options at the same time. They need to register for kids and for adults, or for bringing a potluck dish and reserving a tshirt, without multiplying the attendance
Patrick Blaney commented
We ned to have multiple registration types and allow the member register for more than one at the same time.
We are a sailing club and run sailing courses for our members children for which there are 6 different courses. Many parents have more than 1 child on the programme, but each one doing a different course (which differ as to duration, dates and price).
We also have regattas, race meetings, and there are upwards of 6 different sailboat classes participating. We are a family club and quite often a parenht will want to enter their own sailboat and also a different class of sailboat for their child, so this same problem surfaces.
At the moment the only solution is to register more than once - which is enough to prevent the member using the online registration facility - so preventing us use the functionality of wild apricot as we intended.
tanyaF commented
Please add this feature. We currently have an event and want to allow one registration (the actual member, it's a Mom's group) who purchases a ticket, adds a adult guest (usually husband- same ticket cost). But children are FREE. We still want to be able to count the children (for food count, etc), but don't want to have ask them to go in and register yet again. Talked to support and they suggested making the kids 'guests' and requiring them to go in and register again for the adult. Too many steps. Registration type for guests would solve this problem. Might have to go back to Eventbrite for our events unless this is changed asap.
Teri Albus commented
Yes, please add an option so a family can have multiple choices. 1 adult attending & 2 children or 2 adults and X children. Hope this feature is added.
J. Devitt commented
Currently, to register multiple individuals for our conference, you have to repeat the info for each participant and pay separately. If we choose the "only collect the number" it will allow us to pay in lump sum for the number of participants, but it does not capture the name and other info for each individual participant. Is there a way to make this work so that we can capture the info and pay in a lump sum?
Leslie Rabon commented
Allow attendees to register for one than one event type for and event.
Heather Armstrong commented
For events if you could add on a feature for add-ons it would be GREAT! For example if I have a person that is registering for an event as a participant but would like to ADD a sponsorship amount a feature to to that as an add-on would be most helpful. Like (RegOnline). With how the current system is I would either have to have it as a separate item and have them register twice, which messes up my count or set it as a separate event. Until this fix that is the alternative I will have to use.
David Lewis commented
As a new customer, for my first event I needed the functionality described by this request. The following is the text of my question to support, to which they replied it was addressed by this enhancement request.
"One member can choose a quantity of one or both registration types. For example, one event price for members and one event price for non-members. One member may want to register and pay for 3 members and 4 non-members. (I'm not worried about checking membership status.)
3 members @ $20
4 non-members @ $60
Total charge - 3*20 + 4*60 = $300Perhaps a similar example would be a member wanting to register for an event, bring 7 people total, and register for different meals at different prices.
Can it be set up to choose multiple registration types?
On a specific registration type, can you enter a quantity more than one?" -
Megan Whilden (Admin) commented
We offer multiple classes to our members, and they often purchase more than one at a time. It would be wonderful if they could purchase multil=ple ones at once, like a shopping cart. Please vote for this idea!
Jayme Pedigo commented
I would also like for guests to purchase more than one ticket, if they are not discounted for members. The "guest" registration is very laborious
Thank you, Rodney. I can see what you mean and I agree it's a good idea in your scenario.
Rodney Hendrix commented
The event registration process for multiple registrants works fine for persons paying by check. However it does not work for multiple registrants when using online payments.
I suggest that you include the choice "NEW REGISTRATION" on screen 2 between "BACK" and "INVOICE ME". (See attached screen shots.)
Woody Moses commented
We would like it to be able to handle our registrations multiple people and multiple types in the same transaction. Many of our members want their assistants to be able to register themselves, their staffs,their spouses and sponsor events all in one transactions.