Patrick Blaney
My feedback
2 results found
373 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Patrick Blaney supported this idea ·
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129 votes
Many thanks for your comments and feedback in this thread - it was super helpful for us in analysis and design of the feature.
I'm happy to announce that we're working on adding donations to compensate payment processing fees. This feature will be released later this year.Some design decisions I wanted to speak out explicitly:
1. We decided to proceed with optional donations to compensate credit card processing fees as opposed to surcharges/convenience fee.
Main reasons for this is that there are too many regulations around mandatory charges to compensate fees: it's illegal in some countries/states, there are caps on how much you could charge, etc. To avoid all of this legal complications we decided to suggest members to opt-in to compensate processing fees, as opposed to make them obligatory.
All these transactions will be recorded as donations in WA and can be later used for tax deduction.2. You…
Patrick Blaney supported this idea ·
We ned to have multiple registration types and allow the member register for more than one at the same time.
We are a sailing club and run sailing courses for our members children for which there are 6 different courses. Many parents have more than 1 child on the programme, but each one doing a different course (which differ as to duration, dates and price).
We also have regattas, race meetings, and there are upwards of 6 different sailboat classes participating. We are a family club and quite often a parenht will want to enter their own sailboat and also a different class of sailboat for their child, so this same problem surfaces.
At the moment the only solution is to register more than once - which is enough to prevent the member using the online registration facility - so preventing us use the functionality of wild apricot as we intended.