Discount coupons for event registrations
I tried implementing the arrangement for coupon codes for events this week.
I'm sorry, but I really don't like the way it currently works.
To explain, I wanted to setup a coupon code in WA for 25% off a registration for any event. To start with, I needed to edit every single event one at a time to do so. Then, when I logged in and practiced going through the process of registering, it showed the 25% off rate as an option. Anyone could see the amount of the coupon, even if they did not know the code and therefore could not complete the registration.
For me, this defeats the whole purpose of it being a "code". If I have 25% off and 50% off showing as an option, everyone is going to ask for the code. I don't want everyone to know there even is a code.
I would greatly prefer that coupon codes be an option sitewide for registrations.
It should also not be an option for registering, but rather a code that you enter when completing the registration. It should not be obvious codes even exist except that there is an optional box when completing the registration.
This seems to be more in line with what most e-commerce websites do, right? For example, isn't this basically how gift cards work at Target, Staples, etc?
Robert Frost commented
YES! This is needed...we deal with a bunch of partner discount codes for our association, so having 20-30 different registration types for each monthly event is just a mess. Absolutely NOT functional the way Wild Apricot has it setup currently, and runs counter to every other ecommerce website out there, events-based or not. This needs to be a top priority!
Scott Hendison commented
I'm voting too, and hope you'll prioritize soon.... I work with two separate sites that use WildApricot for events and this is a pain point. They are a chamber of commerce and a non profit group that simply need permanent coupon codes for their partners who cross promote their events. The effort involved managing events may prove to be too much, and at least one of them is talking about returning to EventBrite.
Tracie commented
Pleeeassee prioritize this!! Event management is such a huge part of what this software is used for, and this feature is crucial for event registration. I have events that have member and non-member rates, as well as early bird, regular, and late registration. To give an extra discount I need to make 2X3=6 extra registration types! Ugh! Please!
We do read, but this is not something we're working on right now. As soon as there is something new to share, we will post it here right away.
SoniS commented
I just ran into this issue - very frustrating. But since this has been on the board for going on eight years! it seems no one is listening. Do they read this board? I'm tired of being given a list of third party vendors to solve issue like this.
Michael Lin (WA Admin) commented
I agree. Discount code / info should be hidden, but anyone that has that discount code can register for that even and get the discount automatically (ex: at checkout). The rest of the public /attendee should see the regular pricing.
Nancy Clark commented
We definitely want this ability. The discount code functionality available for new membership applications needs to be expanded to include renewals and event registration.
The current registration code option does not account for member versus non-member and without additional expenses, explanation & user confusion, trying to establish codes to identify all of the possible combinations does not prevent a non-member from getting a member rate. We use our annual meeting to promote membership, members get a reduced rate to attend and can get an additional discount if they register early.
We would like to offer different promotional (discount) codes in email versus printed material so we can track what drives them (print or email) to register for our meeting and we will give them a % or fixed dollar discount when they enter a valid code. -
Ed T commented
Definitely would be a big improvement - should be an option to ask for the code at the end of the registration
NAIFA Oregon commented
This would be a great feature to add. Currently having to create 12-16 different types of registration to accommodate rate changes and member, non-member, student and board discount rates is not only overwhelming for the creator, but also for the potential attendee who don't know which one they should be selecting, and gets frustrated. Also a discount option would be great for those who are a returning attender or sponsor, they get a certain discount off of their general registration price. Another discount if more than 5 people come from the same office and want to register all at once. Hoping this is considered soon to make wild apricot a more enjoyable experience to use, rather than a headache when create conference registration.
Oregon Dental Executives' Association commented
This is a very big deal! The capability is already there for memberships, can it be transferred over to event registration as well?
I currently have to create about 10 registration types for my conference, with a secondary event created to hold the other 10.
A discount event code section would be very beneficial.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Can registration types with code help?
itwm7719 commented
We need this also!
Elizabeth Bass Webmaster commented
My organization would also like to see discount codes as an option for events. I am chairing our annual conference this year, and I currently have 27 different registration types because of how Wild Apricot is set up:
There are 3 different registration groups: member, non-member, or student.
There are 3 different registration types: single workshop, single day, or full conference.
There are 3 different registration times: early, regular, or on-site.
Now if I want to give volunteers or presenters a discount on registration, I would have to create a separate discount for each type of discount that I want to give, instead of coupon codes that could be for a specific amount, and would still allow me to track those volunteers or presenters under the correct registration categories.
A discount code would greatly simplify the process for me, because instead now I'm planning on having those volunteers or presenters register for the event, and then I'll manually adjust their invoice before they make a payment, which is a huge pain for me.
Master John Kim commented
+1 for this discount code feature for event registrations.
It appears this wishlist item has been discussed since 2008. Instead of the current method of creating a "Special Guest" registration type for all members to see, I'd like to see a "discount code" field under each of the current registration types I create (or better yet, under certain registration types that I choose). This way, the discount pricing is not visible publicly (only the full price) and only those who have received the code will then see the discounted pricing once they have entered the code. We have sponsors for some events and we would like to give members from their organization a discount. Also if we have 2 sponsors with 2 levels of discount (i.e.: 25% and 50%), then once they enter either of the discount codes, the discount would be applied. But, I'll take the ability to even enter a single discount code by this method as a starting point. :)
kirkcraig commented
We need discount codes for events as well with certain features
1. The ability to create member specific discount codes
-This helps in ensure only members get those discounts
2. The ability to limit those code uses: Again limiting the use
3. Different membership levels could receive different codes
All Sponsors get 2 100% discounts, all Partners get 1 100% discount
4. Discount codes could also apply to addons like vendor tables, etc.
5. Group Discounts. The discount doesn't apply unless a certain number are added.
Please put this high on your priority list.
jessica commented
Having just posted yet another discount code 'wish' for the wishlist, I wonder why it's taking 3 years to get this sorted out. Since many people have this request, it should be high on the list.
In my post I simply want the ability to have the registrant tick a box that says 'Discount Coupon'? and enter the code. I don't want to have to create a registration type for every event discount possibility.
jessica commented
Why can't you just have a 'Do you have a discount code' field for events and let the code we have set up determine the amount or type. The current way of adding registration type(s) is not only cumbersome, but very awkward looking on a page if you have more than one discount - or if you don't want the world to know how much of a discount certain groups get.
This is number ONE on our wishlist and desire a solution within six months. There doesn't seem to be much effort put in the design and development of this feature, but upon reading this thread it is a highly desired feature.
We hold a few different types of events. One that we will hold in fall 2015 will require a % or $ discount for companies that send us 10 registrants from the same company. We wish to incent these companies to send multiple employees to our event.
My suggestion for design of this feature is that along with event details, registration form, registration types, emails; I can define "Discount codes". I can define a discount code name (which I will give to the company to use during registration, a discount % or $, and which registration types this discount can be applied to. An option to round the resulting registration fee to the nearest dollar would be a super benefit as well.
Then as people register for an event, a "Discount" box appears during the registration process. There should be a "Apply" button next to the discount box. So they register all their people to attend, enter a discount code and click the "Apply" button. This will present them with their total amount of the registration with the discount applied.
Since many of your community has requested this feature and continue to post on this feature since 2008, can we put this on the top of the list of features to be developed? What is the current activity of working on this feature, when might it be introduced? We need to plan for our 2015 and 2016 events that require this feature, and need to know if we can use WA for the registration of these events. If not, we need to look into alternative registration methods for these events.
meldrum commented
Our organization is trying to convert to Wild Apricot and really like the membership features, but our main emphasis is on large events. We need to give speakers free event admission. My vote is for this feature. I would vote for this feature way above any web site feature improvements.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I can answer on behalf of her - no, unfortunately. It's almost impossible to guess actual timeline for any feature as it depends on too many other things. We used to try and almost always missed it do we decided not to do this anymore.