Members to be able to submit events
Current situation:
Not supported, only administrators can create events.
Members have the ability to submit simple events which can be approved by administrators.

Even though it is not a direct implementation, I hope this could be helpful:
We just launched integration with Integromat platform, which helps to build automated workflows. We also provide several templates for quick start, and one of them allows to copy google calendar events into WA events. So if you share a google calendar for events submission, then the scenario could copy submitted events into your Wild Apricot account.
You can try this integration by this link
Dmitry Buterin commented
Up until now the proportion of HOAs on our platform was much lower than other types of organizations which need full-blow events with registration.As you can see, this thread does not have that many comments and votes.
Your feedback is noted but realistically I do not expect us to make any progress on this for at least a few more releases.
wchester commented
After not being able to find an answer to my calendar question I just posted a new thread. Then I continued searching and found this thread. I think what Rhonda said above is right in line with what I am looking for. We are an HOA with the need to have several different calendars that show simple events or reminders without any need to set other parameters. For example, the Pool chairman should be able to easily go into the pool calendar and add swim team dates or pool party reminder on certain days. And the Tennis chair should be able to add simple entries to days on her calendar as well. The Events Calendar does not fit this bill. And the Monthly Calendar template is really just a static table with no features such as numbered days, scrolling from month to month or being able to change views to weekly, daily, monthly. Isn't a large part of WA's clientele HOAs and clubs? This feature seems like a no brainer and I am in disbelief that a simple calebdar is not built in. Am I missing something? This is easily a requirement for any HOA of decent size and is a deal breaker for us to use WA as our peremanent solution.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
I've been reading through the discussion on this thread and would like to present this suggestion:
A member could create an event. This event might not necessarily be run by the organization, but may be an independent event where there is an overlap of interest between the organization and the person posting it. There would only be certain fields that they could enter and would be publicly viewable, but they would not set a price or a registration form.
Once the event is submitted, it would have to be approved by the admin/organization. At that time it would be added to a calendar.
Perhaps instead of thinking like this as an "event", with all the fields associated with it, we should be thinking of this as a "calendar entry", which would have a limited number of general purpose fields for posting something to a date (it could be an event, or could be reminder of an important date, like all fees are due on this day, or an external event) that need not have a Registration associated with them. A member generated entry might be in a different colour, or even on a separate calendar of affiliated events.
Moxie commented
Yes, We are looking for this option too! We would like to offer members the option of posting their own events. Also, is there a future option for those registered for the events to view who else is registered and leave a message? THANKS!
[quote user="kwmarketing"]I would like to suggest a feature that allows members to submit events to the calendar for approval by an admin.[/quote]
Dmitry Buterin commented
OK, thanks for the details.
It's on our list, though it will be a while before we get to this particular thing.
kwmarketing commented
Yes, correct on hidden for approval and also not able to set pricing or registration parameters.
We use the events as a calendar as well and one of the things we do is help our members promote their events via our site.
Before switching over to your platform we used a calendar system that allowed members to submit and that worked very well for us and they liked it as well.
It is not mission critical as we now have them email us and then we input the event. It would help us streamline the process if they could submit their event on your platform and we could set pricing & registration parameters if needed.
Thank you for your prompt response!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate how do you see this working?
These suggested events should be hidden from everyone else until admin approves them correct?
I do not see members setting up the pricing and registration parameters - so I assume admin would have to add that, what do you think?
How is this different/better from having a discussion forum thread for this purpose - members can post ideas about events and admin can create appropriate events as needed?