Agreement before payment to renew membership
Every year between January 1st and March 31st is the time for membership renewal. This current website doesn't have something to ask members before their payment to make sure members agree to adhere... It must be done once every year. It is really important for my association and communities out there. Is it possible to add something under Members > Levels > Renewal policy? This way we can choose specific groups that are required to click on it with a link to agree BEFORE their payment. The link will bring them to read the agreement on a separate page. When members are ready to click on to renew, first they will see and read the agreement. Once they agree, they add a checkmark and then they can pay for their membership renewal. If they do not agree, they cannot go ahead with payment. We do not require their signature because once their payment is received which means they have agreed to adhere... Date and timestamp would be nice or if you have any other idea that verify their agreement would be great. It would be good that we make our own wordings without limited space. Please note, not all membership levels need to adhere the agreement, for example subscribers - not active working individuals. Some of membership level groups are required and others aren't. I would appreciate it very much if you can improve. Thank you.