Make the New Dashboard configurable
The new dashboard does not give me any pertinent information. Some glaring shortcomings of the new dashboard:
1. You charge us by the number of people on our contact list, but that number is now hidden (not on the new dashboard). This makes administration of the account harder, thanks alot Wild Apricot.
2. Not all our members levels are considered "members". We have members of our parent organization and our sponsors as member levels. I should be able to specify which members levels are considered "true members" and shown on the members graph.
3. All the graphs use a large amount of space making it necessary to scroll way down to see data.
4. Different graphs give different information, making the whole dashboard not believable. The first graph says my active members are 337, the second graph says my total members are 264.????? The first graph says my monthly revenue is $777; you click that number and it shows invoices that total $847. ????
5. I should be able to configure which graphs (widgets) I want to show on my Dashboard. We do not have an online store and rarely get donations, those are useless graphs to me. If I had the ability to configure the dashboard I would leave those two graphs off; thereby, saving the space.
1. Make the Dashboard configurable, giving me widgets I can add, or not add, to my dashboard.
2. Make sure the number of contacts is available to show on the dashboard.
3. Ensure the data shown on any widget (graph) on the dashboard is accurate and consistent widget to widget.

Stanley Kalisch commented
We have the same situation with advertisers being categorized as "members" when in actuality they are not. We have separate membership levels, one of which is for Adverisers. We created a Saved Search under Contacts that gives us the list and number of our "true" membership count by including only those membership categories that include "true/actual" members.
@aaron, thanks for sharing your thoughts on Dashboards.
Following on your comment:
1. We will eventually make Dashboards more configurable - by extending it with even more widgets, adding the ability to show/hide or rearrange widgets for each administrator. This was only the first release aimed at keeping and to some degree extending current dashboards
2. Good consideration about the total number of contacts. Meanwhile, you can always view the total number of contacts on the Billing page
3. As for total numbers being inconsistent - it will be fixed ASAP