Make forum accessible via email
We have been using the forum gadget for our discussion forum. We suggest 3 sueful additions for this gadget:
1. Receiving an email for each message that is posted, with the whole message contained in the email
2. Being able to reply to an existing message by replying via email
3. Being able to post a new message to the forum by sending it via email
It would be great if this good be implemented at some stage. Thank you!

Manhattan Twins Club commented
Our old system had this, and it really encouraged discussions! We have almost no discussions now that we can no longer do this, and it has really badly affected our renewals/joins. We 10000% want this more than anything else!
DBP commented
Yes, we need this as well for our 1000+ member organization, to make forums truly useful.
Bitsy Griffin commented
All three suggestions would be very helpful.
Walt Bilofsky commented