Update the registration pop-up for RSVP events to indicate "Additional" guests.
so the registrar doesn't include themselves as a guest and create a duplicate counts. This is happening way too often for events where RSVP is critical.

Published with version 6.14. We added word ‘additional’ before ‘guests’.
Walt Bilofsky commented
In the meantime, I was given this Javascript workaround to accomplish this:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!top.adminpanel) {
var myPage = document.getElementById('FunctionalBlock1_ctl00_eventPageViewBase_ctl00_ctl00_stepTemplate_numberOfGuestsForm_numberOfGuestsInput_guestPriceDesctiption');
if (myPage) {
myPage.innerHTML = myPage.innerHTML.replace('guests', 'additional guests');
</script>Just copy it into the editor field at Settings > Site > Global JavaScript and save the changes.