recurring payment as a macro for email renewal notices
Is it possible to have a macro included for renewal reminder emails that indicates whether a member is signed up for recurring payments or not?

As I wote below: On our yearly reminder emails we include the following Macro info from the members' profile. It would be nice to include something such as “you are signed up for recurring payments: yes or no”
Your current profile indicates the following:
State Zip
United States
You are/are not signed up for recurring payments -
John, could you please elaborate your request? Why do you want this macro?
I have never heard any update or comment from WA about this request. HELP
I was chatting with Mark and he referred me to you. I see my previous posting you responded with a question. In our current email reminder we use macros to list the following for each member. I am hoping for a macro that would allow me to someone include the status of a member's payment status--auto recurring payment or year by year payment. I don't know how else to describe this; I would be happy to talk to you if that is possible.
Our reminder letter states: In the menu on the View Profile page you will see ‘Membership details’ - Scroll down slightly to renew. If you prefer, you can mail your renewal to the address below, or call with your credit card information.
Your current profile indicates the following:Phone: 952-594-5697
943 Park Dr.
Belle Plaine
MN 56011
United States
Level and Fee: Gold Member ($10.00 (USD)) -
On our yearly reminder emails we include the following Macro info from the members profile. It would be nice to include something such as “you are signed up for recurring payments: yes or no”
Your current profile indicates the following:
State Zip
United States
You are/are not signed up for recurring payments -
Could you provide an example of the text you need to include in the reminder email?
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot