Automate SSL Certificate
LET'S ENCRYPT SSL Certificate should be part of the Custom Domain Mapping process.
There is no reason for this not to be automated. The concept of having to send an email when their API is so simple feels like the Web early-2000's ;-)

The order and renewal process was automated. See details
Alex Sirota commented
I'll add my vote to this request. When adding a custom domain to a Wild Apricot website, the assumption is the account is now being paid for and online payments are available. It is therefore surprising that SSL has to be requested and configured with extra steps, instead of it being the default. I'd like to see SSL be procured and installed as soon as a custom domain has been successfuly set as the default domain for as site. All traffic should be redirected to the custom domain as soon as the SSL certificate is installed. The current process of having to ask for one to be manually installed is just extra resources put upon WA support folks that really can be eliminated with some automation of the Let's Encrypt mechanism Wild Apricot is already using.
The benefits are many:
1. Sites are default SSL encrypted for all activities
2. Sites are better prioritized by Google due to SSL being on by default
3. Any private data shared on a Wild Apricot site is encrypted such as searches, comments and any form data that is submitted.
4. In the future credit card transactions could be placed directly into the site rather than needing to go to a separate website, which can confuse users because they effectively leave the website where they started the transaction, a very non-standard behavior for most ecommerce websites. -
Hi, Mike!
Thanks for sharing your idea! We have it in our "2018 year" road-map.